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Transferring Your Studies

Midlands Credit Compass Initiative

The University of Lincoln offers students the opportunity to transfer their studies, whether that is from one course to another at Lincoln, or to or from another institution. Transferring your studies is a big decision and you should talk to your current university for advice and guidance before you submit an application.

The University of Lincoln is also part of the Midlands Credit Compass Initiative, which makes it easier to return or transfer to selected universities within the region. This is for students who have achieved their credit within the last five years at Birmingham City, Coventry, Derby, Lincoln, Nottingham Trent, and Wolverhampton. Further information around how this works can be found on the Midlands Credit Compass website.

Credit Compass Website

Transferring to Lincoln

We welcome applications from students currently enrolled at another institution. We recommend that you first seek guidance from your College/School at your current institution, UCAS, and our Admissions Team. When you have made your decision, you will need to apply to the University of Lincoln using the form below. You will need to withdraw from your current institution, but you should make sure you have completed necessary assessments successfully if your offer of a place is conditional.

A student sat working on a laptop in the library

Transferring from Lincoln

If you are considering studying at another institution, but you are currently enrolled at the University of Lincoln, you should seek guidance from your School Office, Student Services, and our Admissions Team. We recommend that you complete your current year of study as you may be entitled to an intermediate award if you have passed a whole year. You will need to withdraw from the Lincoln before you enrol at the institution you are transferring to.

A student working on a computer

Transfers within the University of Lincoln

If you wish to transfer programmes at the University of Lincoln, there are things you need to consider before making your final decision:

  • Your student loan eligibility may be affected if you transfer programmes. Further information is available from the University’s Advice Team.
  • Credit Transfer — you may be able to transfer modules to your new course. Please contact your School to find out more.
  • Additional work — you may need to catch up missed coursework when starting a new course.
  • Before completing the online transfer form you must have met with the Programme Leader of the course that you wish to transfer to in order to discuss your suitability for the course and modules you will be studying.
  • Transfer requests by those requiring Student Visas are subject to assessment by the Student Visa Compliance Team. This is to ensure that the transfer request meets the Home Office requirements.

If you require any further guidance before making your decision, you can discuss this with your Programme Leader or your College or School Office. You can also speak to Student Services for advice.

Advanced Standing

Advanced standing is the recognition of existing study you have undertaken and allowing you to use this credit towards a University of Lincoln qualification. Further information is available by emailing

Useful Resources and Contacts

Midland Credit Compass Website
UCAS Guidance on Transferring Course
University of Lincoln Student Services
Internal Online Transfer Form

University of Lincoln Admissions Team: or call 01522 886097.
University of Lincoln Student Records: