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UN Sustainable Development Group 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

UN SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.


The University of Lincoln is committed to responsible consumption and production across not only teaching and research, but also our day-to-day operations. This is reflected in the fabric of our estate, with the Ross Lucas Medical Sciences Building being heated and cooled by a Hybrid VRF Heat Pump system and designed to produce 15% of its electricity use, and the recent repurposing of former HMRC Offices at Lawress Hall into space for our professional services.

The University has also taken steps to support responsible consumption and production in the private sector. Researchers at the University have worked to produce innovative extraction methodologies which have had implications in improving the industrial processes in the field of rare metal extraction from petroleum ash and other substrates. This work has led the University to set up a commercial arm to bring these services to a wider audience.

A bee on a flower

Project Spotlight

One Step Closer

The One Step Greener exhibition was organised as part of the University’s contribution to COP26. The exhibition was designed to explore how creative practices can be more sustainable by looking at both individual and collective action.

Sustainability in the Curriculum

From utilising sustainable teaching practice in subjects such as fashion, to modules on sustainable energy and climate change in our engineering courses, values of responsible consumption have been embedded into our curriculum. Our aim is to empower the next generation of scientists, business leaders, and artists to introduce sustainable practice across their careers.

BAFTA Certification

BAFTA Albert certification is the internationally recognised sustainability kite mark for the film industry. BAFTA Albert carbon calculation has been embedded into the undergraduate curriculum for Film Production students, and their school is an Albert Partner, with students able to gain certification during their first year as undergraduates. Students studying film receive the same level of training on carbon calculation and sustainability as any industry professional would receive, using the exact same software. This produces certified graduates with a new and vital employability skills.

Our Postgraduate Researchers

Meet PhD student Daniel Akrofi, who is currently pursuing doctoral research in international law and global governance at Lincoln, exploring a number of sustainability issues across the full lifecycle of plastics to analyse the law around global plastic pollution.

Daniel Akrofi

Recycling and Waste Management on Campus

Our estates team support recycling across campus and in our residences and also measure waste streams , calculating waste and recycling weights per student in each academic year. Overall waste per student in 22/23 was almost half that when we started measuring in 2016. Our guide to waste management aids staff and students to recycle effectively.

SDG Outputs

We had 29 papers relevant to this SDG in 2023 according to SciVal and 30 in 2022.

Pham, N.T. et al. (2023) Greening hotels: does motivating hotel employees promote in-role green performance? The role of culture. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 31 951-970


UN SDG 13: Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.