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Integrated Professional Practice

Key Information


Brayford Pool

Start Date

September 2025

Typical Offer

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3 to 6 years

Validation Status

Subject to Revalidation

Academic Year

Course Overview

Continuing professional development (CPD) is a mandatory component for over one and a half million regulated professionals working across health and social care in the UK.

Both nationally and internationally, health and care systems are shifting towards integrated outcomes focused, person-centred preventative models of care. This way of working will require interagency, interdisciplinary collaborative skills and the ability to work with people who use services, their families and communities to continuously improve the quality of care provision and to coproduce better outcomes for all concerned. This award has been structured to enable students to take a flexible approach to build their learning within its framework according to changing development and career needs.

This MSc places a firm focus on inter-professional learning, work based and practice-focused development and academic growth.

Why Choose Lincoln

Inter-professional approach

A focus on professional and personal development

Choose from a range of optional modules

Complete a research project in a specialist area

Three nurses sat outside

How You Study

The programme has been designed to provide opportunities for both early career and experienced workers within the health and care sector to explore the complexities of working in contemporary practice in depth.

Students will be offered support to extend and enhance their professional knowledge and skills, with a range of modules appealing to those working across the range of providers.

Modules within the course are delivered through a blended method where some sessions are delivered online and others face-to-face or self directed. The total duration of the programme will be dependent on how students choose to access the optional modules. If the MSc modules are studied consecutively the duration is 3 years part-time, however if studied on a module-by module/collection of short course awards basis the duration can be up to 6 years part-time. For more information, please contact us.

The course also has exit awards within the programme where students will exit with a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Dissertation 2025-26HEA9455MLevel 72025-26This module allows students to undertake focused further exploration of an area of professional interest, applying their understanding of the research process to design and conduct a research project or service investigation related to their area of professional practice. Students will work autonomously to write up the findings of the research project, further developing their academic writing.CoreIndividualised Consultation 2025-26NUR9045MLevel 72025-26OptionalACP Advanced Assessment 2025-26HEA9052Level 72025-26This practice-focused module aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to take a comprehensive patient history and thorough physical and psychological assessment. It also allows students to recognise the interconnectivity of pathophysiology, physical symptoms, and psychological responses. Developing these skills can allow you to meet the core and generalist capabilities in practice for a broadly based advanced healthcare professional. It may also enable you to contribute autonomously to the holistic management of acute and chronic disease states in both primary and generalist secondary care practice. By the end of the module, you should feel comfortable to clinically examine the major systems of the body, assess psychological state, and develop an initial impression to inform clinical decision making.OptionalACP Research Methods 2025-26HEA9054Level 72025-26The Research Methods module is designed as an introduction to research for healthcare professionals working at the level of advanced clinical practice. The module aims to develop students’ skills and knowledge in engaging in research activity and adhering to good research practice guidance. The module seeks to enable participants to critically evaluate and develop evidence-based strategies which can lead to enhanced quality, safety, productivity, and value for money in their clinical practice.OptionalAdvancing adult critical care 2025-26HEA9435MLevel 72025-26This module focusses on utilising existing clinical experience and knowledge from previous modules to learn how to manage a patient with a critical illness and lead the delivery of contemporary evidenced-based critical care provision for that patient.OptionalAn introduction to Public Health 2025-26HEA9443MLevel 72025-26This module aims to provide learners with an introduction to public health systems, policy and strategy. Students will have the opportunity to develop knowledge of the four domains of public health and develop a deeper understanding of the public health outcomes framework, as well as build on their skills in collaboration and interprofessional working.OptionalAssessment and evaluation for learning 2025-26HEA9428MLevel 72025-26This module will examine the principles and practice of assessment and feedback and encourage you to reflect on the assessment methods you use and how these might be developed to support learning. We will discuss the challenges of making judgements about student learning and practice competence and the techniques that can be used for both assessment and feedback in different learning environments. As well as looking at how we assess student learning, this module will also explore ways we can assess and evaluate our own teaching practice. In addition to models of reflection, we will look at a range of sources of information and what these can tell us about teaching, learning and the student experience. Quality assurance and enhancement processes will be examined and we will discuss the ways in which these are used to ensure continual improvement in learning, teaching and assessment practice.OptionalAssessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 2025-26EDM9805MLevel 72025-26This module will cover two key areas of higher education practice: assessment of learners and assessment of teaching practice. Both will be grounded in a thorough exploration of the wider context of higher education, and quality assurance mechanisms and processes to help learners develop an understanding of the academic and administrative functions of assessment. This module will have a strong emphasis on self-assessment and evaluation leading to consideration of continued professional development for participants beyond the end of the programme. The delivery will be a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous methods in the classroom, via online platforms or through directed learning activities. A variety of teaching styles and methods will be employed to create a range of opportunities for engaging with the learning material and sharing best practice with experts from across the University. The module assessment strategy has two summative components which will be supported by formative opportunities embedded within the weekly delivery pattern.OptionalBest Interests Assessor 2025-26SOW9049MLevel 72025-26This module is designed to prepare professionals to carry out best interest assessments of individuals residing in local authority and Primary Care Trust premises, and who may be at risk of being deprived of their liberty. For this module there is a minimum requirement of two years’ in-post experience.OptionalCreating Safer Organisations and Teams 2025-26HEP9011MLevel 72025-26This module seeks to help senior leaders develop a systematic understanding and knowledge of the importance of effective team working and understand how effective teamwork can enhance safeguarding processes.OptionalDelivering adult critical care 2025-26NUR9035MLevel 72025-26This module focusses on using a structured approach to patient assessment. Learners can build upon their existing knowledge and understand how to create evidence-based plans of care which consider the holistic needs of a critically ill patient. Learners will demonstrate application of theory to practice by working alongside a Practice Assessor.OptionalDeveloping learning and teaching practice 2025-26HEA9429MLevel 72025-26This year long module has been designed to challenge and enable participants to develop their teaching and learning practice through reflection and evaluation. In addition, we will examine concepts of leadership in education, inter-professional working and explore how learning, teaching and assessment can be developed and facilitated in an online environment. The module will adopt a blended learning strategy combining both face-to-face and online learning opportunities, this will be supplemented by teaching observations to encourage and develop reflective practice and individual tutorials throughout the year. Emphasis will be placed on autonomous learning and developing the skills for continuing professional development beyond the end of the programme.OptionalDigital Health 2025-26HEA9066Level 72025-26OptionalEnhanced practice in acute mental health care 2025-26NUR9023MLevel 72025-26This module is designed to enable the practitioner to develop the requisite capabilities to work autonomously at an advanced level within the current context of acute mental health care services. The module will focus on the knowledge and skills required to promote recovery orientated care, within the established processes and constraints that exist within an acute care context. Practitioners will develop their ability to reflect upon, develop and change their own practices, based on best evidence, as well as influence the practices of others’ within a multi-professional team.OptionalEvidencing ongoing professional development 2025-26HEA9450MLevel 72025-26Continuing Professional Development is a core activity for all working in health and care services. Development activities can take many forms outside of formal higher education programmes. Reflect on and re-evaluate developmental activities undertaken in your career in depth and apply personal development planning to work out the next steps in your progression with this individually focused module.OptionalEvidencing ongoing professional development 2025-26HEA9449MLevel 72025-26Continuing Professional Development is a core activity for all working in health and care services. Development activities can take many forms outside of formal higher education programmes. Reflect on and re-evaluate developmental activities undertaken in your career to date and apply personal development planning to work out the next steps in your progression with this individually focused module.OptionalExpanding Understanding of Mental Health 2025-26HEA9471Level 72025-26OptionalGuiding principles of Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2025-26HEA9062Level 72025-26OptionalHealth Innovation 2025-26HEA9067Level 72025-26OptionalIndependent/Supplementary Prescribing Module 2025-26HEA9306Level 72025-26This module is designed to provide a sound underpinning knowledge base in relation to pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. The emphasis is on applied therapeutic interventions, essential for safe, competent prescribing within the student’s scope of practice and professional competence. Pre-existing knowledge and skills will be built upon to develop consultation skills and styles. Students can explore and develop effective communication and evaluation of evidence-based practice and shared decision making to ensure safe, meaningful, and concordant relationships with patients and carers. Students may further develop an understanding and application of legal, ethical, and professional perspectives to inform future prescribing practice related to their own specialist field and clinical area. Learning in practice is central to the module with the formulation of a portfolio of practice learning to demonstrate achievement of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society competency framework and provide a tool for future continued professional development. The module has been mapped to the RPS Competency Framework.OptionalInterprofessional Safeguarding across the life course 2025-26HEA9440MLevel 72025-26Contemporary health and care practice rely on effective communication and collaboration between a wide range of professionals, increasingly working with complex needs and circumstances. This module allows exploration of the shared values and cross-cutting approaches needed to effectively safeguard recipients of services across the life course. The impact of early adverse experience throughout the lifespan will be acknowledged, alongside the potential for intergenerational impact and the need for ‘joined-up’ approaches. Building on learning from high profile case reviews it will examine themes such as vulnerability, holism, professional competency and curiosity to deepen understanding of safeguarding regardless of occupational role.OptionalMinor Injuries 2025-26HEA9064Level 72025-26 This practice-focused module aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to take a comprehensive patient history and thorough physical and psychological assessment. It also allows students to recognise the interconnectivity of pathophysiology, physical symptoms, and psychological responses. Developing these skills can allow you to meet the core and generalist capabilities in practice for a broadly based advanced healthcare professional. It may also enable you to contribute autonomously to the holistic management of acute injuries in both primary and generalist secondary care practice. By the end of the module, you should feel comfortable to clinically examine patients in the context of their injuries, assess psychological state, and develop an initial impression to inform clinical decision making.OptionalNegotiated work-based learning 2025-26HEA9452MLevel 72025-26The module seeks to facilitate individual responsibility for learning and evaluation of progression within the planned activity, fully embracing the concept of ‘Student as Producer’ of their own knowledge. Students will be required to discuss their ideas for the area of study with the programme lead prior to beginning the module to ensure access to suitable support. Students will share their learning in a live assessment allowing them to evidence application of learning to practice.OptionalNegotiated work-based learning 2025-26HEA9451MLevel 72025-26OptionalPaediatric Urgent Care Level 7 2025-26NUR9037MLevel 72025-26This module explores the fundamental and key aspects of assessing, managing and treating children and young people who present to a range of primary and acute healthcare settings. The module aims to further develop healthcare practitioners’ skills and knowledge relating to the specific issues inherent in clinical decision-making, organisation and escalation when working with children and young people and their families.OptionalPerson Centred Cancer Care 2025-26HEA9446MLevel 72025-26Cancer is an umbrella diagnosis for many diseases caused by cellular change and involving a variety of causative factors, affecting as many as 1 in 2 people at some point in their lives. This module explores how cancer affects people and their families from a range of perspectives, allowing health and care professionals to increase collaboration and integrated team working. This module is designed for health and care professionals who are working with people with a cancer diagnosis at any stage in their condition.OptionalPlanning and facilitating learning 2025-26HEA9427MLevel 72025-26This module has been designed to give you the opportunity to develop an in-depth yet practical understanding of how to plan and deliver effective and inclusive teaching sessions. We will examine the multitude of factors that influence our approach to planning in both academic and practice settings and apply the principles of constructive alignment and active learning to guide choices in relation to learning and teaching methods and assessment techniques. You will be encouraged to evaluate a range of methods for supporting student learning, from strategies to meet individual need, to the Universal Design approach which aims to make learning accessible to all. There will be an emphasis throughout the module on reflecting on, and applying the evidence base to your own area of practice.OptionalPrescribing Governance 2025-26NUR9051MLevel 72025-26OptionalPrinciples of Learning & Teaching in Health & Social Care Professions Education 2025-26HEA9051MLevel 72025-26This module has been designed to provide individuals working in Health and Social Care with a solid understanding of the principles of learning, teaching, and assessment. These principles can help participants to effectively carry out their educational duties in both academic and practice settings, to both peers and service users. The content has been mapped to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF) for teaching and supporting learning in higher education (2011) and the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) Professional standards for medical, dental, and veterinary educators (2014).OptionalProactive management of long term conditions 2025-26NUR9021MLevel 72025-26This module provides the practitioner with the knowledge and skills required to proactively support the holistic care and treatment of individuals with long term health and social care needs, within their field of professional practice. The module will focus on enabling individuals to take greater control of their care and offering opportunities for better health and wellbeing, through personalised care planning, increased prevention strategies and supported self-care (NHS, 2014). Students will be expected to independently synthesise and apply their clinical skills and knowledge to the context of their own professional practice.OptionalProfessional Allied Health Advocate 2025-26HEA9065Level 72025-26OptionalProfessional Midwifery Advocate 2025-26MID9057Level 72025-26OptionalProfessional Nurse Advocate 2025-26NUR9057Level 72025-26OptionalSafeguarding for Senior Leaders 2025-26HEP9009MLevel 72025-26This module explores key safeguarding concepts including ethics, policies and processes for children, young people and at risk adults in order to understand the impact on people who are affected by them.OptionalService Transformation, Integration & Change 2025-26HEA9063Level 72025-26This module addresses the fundamentals of service delivery in health and social care in the context of local and national strategic policy and practice. The module aims to develop knowledge of the processes underlying evaluation and transformation of services, including leadership, change management, evidence-based service innovation, and delivery of high quality health care.Optional

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.


There are placement requirements in terms of suitably qualified supervising clinicians for some of the modules within this course. These requirements relate to the Approved Mental Health Professional, Approved Mental Capacity Professional, Prescriber Preparation, and Clinical Skills for General Practice Nurse modules.

These placements are usually arranged by sponsoring employers in the relevant area of healthcare that you practise in. If you are a self-funded student seeking to develop new competencies which require suitable placement and practice assessment, it is students' responsibility to arrange this and ensure these arrangements are in place before starting these modules. Students are responsible for their own travel, accommodation, and general costs associated with placement.

Please note, clinical areas supporting students in this way are subject to an educational audit of their suitability as a placement area.

You can get in touch with the programme leader for further details about requirements. 

Research Areas and Topics

The School of Health and Social Care will consider research ideas in all areas of health and social care and will endeavour to support prospective students wherever it can reasonably do so in terms of supervision capacity and expertise.

Particular expertise of our academic staff include but are not limited to addiction, health economics, mental health, musculoskeletal physiotheraphy, pre-hospital care, use of robotics in spinal injuries, sexual and reproductive health, and safeguarding.

Examples of previous research projects include:

  • Prevalence of Mental Health Disorder in a Probation Population
  • Self-management in People Living with and Beyond Cancer in a Rural and Urban Setting
  • Improving Pain Management in Pre-hospital Care
  • Supporting Asylum Seekers Through Effective Social Work Practice: A Case Study in São Paulo

How you are assessed

There will be a blended approach to assessment, and this will be module dependent, they can include written essays, reports, OSCES or presentations.

How to Apply

Postgraduate Application Support

Applying for a postgraduate programme at Lincoln is easy. Find out more about the application process and what you'll need to complete on our How to Apply page. Here, you'll also be able to find out more about the entry requirements we accept and how to contact us for dedicated support during the process.

A student listening in a seminar

Entry Requirements 2025-26

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold an honours degree in a relevant discipline normally at 2.2 classification or above.

Applicants who hold a diploma or equivalent registration to practice qualification and have several years of professional practice experience and can demonstrate an ability to study a level 7 will be considered subject to an individual review of suitability.

Students who do not have English as a first language will require an IELTS 6.5 with no less than 5.5 in any element, or equivalent qualification.

Applications for certain modules are limited to certain professions or candidates due to PSRB or legislative restrictions on who is entitled to perform this occupational role.

These include the following :

-Modules comprising the Approved Mental Health Professional content.
-Modules comprising the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing content.
-Best Interests Assessor/Mental Capacity Act Professional module.
-Clinical Skills for General Practice Nursing module.

Applicants would ideally be working as registered nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists or other allied health professions.

Course Fees

You will need to have funding in place for your studies before you arrive at the University. Our fees vary depending on the course, mode of study, and whether you are a UK or international student. You can view the breakdown of fees for this programme below.

Course Fees

The University offers a range of merit-based, subject-specific, and country-focused scholarships for UK and international students. To help support students from outside of the UK, we offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Funding Your Study

Postgraduate Funding Options

Find out more about the optional available to support your postgraduate study, from Master's Loans to scholarship opportunities. You can also find out more about how to pay your fees and access support from our helpful advisors.

Two students working on a laptop in a study space

Career Development

Postgraduate study is an investment in yourself and your future. The modules within this course link to a wide range of careers within the health and care sector. As a post-graduate student with existing employment you will have the opportunity to further your transferable skills in interprofessional collaboration and integrated teamworking. Examples of particular roles can include general practice nursing, enhanced or specialist practitioner positions, and clinical academic career pathways.

Why Postgraduate Study? 

Academic Contact

For more information about this course, please contact the Programme Leader. 

Sean Morton

Postgraduate Events

To get a real feel for what it is like to study at the University of Lincoln, we hold a number of dedicated postgraduate events and activities throughout the year for you to take part in.

A group of students sat around a table, working together on a project
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.