Module Overview
This module aims to cover the theoretical fundamentals and practical applications of decision-making, problem-solving and learning abilities in software agents.
Search is introduced as a unifying framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI), followed by key topics including blind and informed search algorithms, planning and reasoning, both with certain and uncertain (e.g. probabilistic) knowledge. Practical exercises in AI programming will complement and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to real-world problems.
Module Overview
This module aims to cover the theoretical fundamentals and practical application of machine learning algorithms, including supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement and evolutionary learning. Practical programming exercises complement and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to real-world problems such as data mining.
Module Overview
This module will explore current methodologies in the field of signal and image processing, covering a range of aspects in capturing, processing, analysing and interpreting n-dimensional content.
The aim is to offer students with a deep understanding and to allow an exposure to the latest developments in signal and image processing, equipping them with knowledge in practical depth. The module will also provide training in programming skills (e.g. Matlab), tools and methods that are necessary for the implementation of such systems.
The module will also cover applications of signal and image processing in various fields, allowing the students the chance to establish a full awareness of technology advances in this rapidly evolving field.
Module Overview
This module explores current methodologies in the field of big data analytics and modelling, covering a range of aspects in collecting, transforming, processing, analysing and make inferences out of large amounts of data, which can either be signals or visual data.
The aim is to offer students a deeper understanding and to allow an exposure to the latest developments in big data analytics, equipping them with knowledge in practical depth. The module will also provide training in programming skills (e.g. python), tools and methods (e.g. Apache Spark, Spark Machine/Deep Learning, distributed analytics, etc.) that are necessary for the implementation of big data analytics systems.
The module will also cover applications of big data analytics in various fields, such as Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, and Computer Vision, allowing students the chance to establish a full awareness to the technology advance in this rapidly evolving field.
Module Overview
This module aims to explore current methodologies in the field of computer vision, covering a range of aspects in capturing, processing, analysing and interpreting rich visual content.
The aim is to offer students with a deep understanding and to allow an exposure to the latest developments in computer vision, equipping them with knowledge in practical depth. The module will also provide the opportunity for training in programming skills (e.g. Matlab), tools and methods that are necessary for the implementation of computer vision systems.
The module will also cover applications of computer vision in various fields, such as in object recognition/tracking, medical image analysis, multimedia indexing and retrieval and intelligent surveillance systems, allowing the students the opportunity to establish a full awareness to the technology advance in this rapidly evolving field.
Module Overview
This module introduces cutting-edge topics in machine learning and computer vision research areas, including both theory and practical applications. The module will follow a research seminar format, involving input from colleagues across the School of Computer Science and other Schools at Lincoln. Additionally, guest lectures from industry representatives and leading international researchers will be offered. Students will further benefit from opportunities to discuss potential research topics that they can explore to build and enhance their research and critical thinking skills.
Module Overview
The module introduces the fundamentals of neural computing, an emergent specialised area of computer science that is concerned to describe how the brain “computes” by simplifying neuronal biology to a set of equations.
Emphasis will be given on mathematical descriptions and computational techniques used to study and understand neurons and network of neurons. Specific topics will cover synaptic transmission and plasticity, learning and memory and vision processing including applications in object recognition and scene understanding.
Students can develop an understanding of core neural computing concepts and models, the current vision technology landscape, and topical application scenarios using a number of computational tools.
Module Overview
This module is designed to cover the fundamental skills and background knowledge that students need to undertake research related to the title of the award being studied, including: surveying literature; selecting and justifying a research topic; planning of research; selection of appropriate research methods; evaluation of research; presentation and reporting of research; and legal, social, ethical and professional considerations.
Module Overview
This module presents students with the opportunity to carry out a significant inquiry-driven research project, focusing on a topical area of interest that is aligned with their programme of study. This is primarily realised through the development of a dissertation and substantive research and/or software implementation output.
The research project is an individual piece of work, which enables students to apply and integrate elements of study from a range of modules, centred on a specific research question. The student will undertake work that is relevant to the ongoing research in either one of the established research centres within the School of Computer Science or through the development of a project concept in consultation with their allocated academic supervisor.