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Leadership and Management

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Academic Year

Course Overview

The FdA in Leadership and Management is a degree designed for those who are undergoing Initial Officers Training at the Royal Marines Commando Training Center (RMCTC). The degree builds directly on the training regime to both recognise the learning which takes place during Initial Officer Training but also to enhance the individual take away of those who succeed.

The programme has four key themes embedded into the delivery. These are leadership and management, management skills, resource management, and the reflective manager. The programme aims to support students to prepare or develop skills for a career in business and management, enhance of a wide range of skills and attributes which equip graduates to become effective global citizens, and increase understanding of organisations, their management, the economy, and the business environment.

How You Study

The programme uses classroom delivery to build up the core and underpinning concepts for the students. These core concepts are then developed through practical applied activities in a range of non-classroom environments. This is typified through simulation activity which is the deployment of a group of students as teams into a workplace context. Students adopt the role of leaders and followers to engage with the core learning through application and reflection.

During the programme, students will have access to, and be supported by, module tutors as well as personal tutors who will have an oversight of their progression through the programme.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Become a Reflective Practitioner 2024-25MGS1001MLevel 42024-25This module aims to enable students to become self-aware and recognise different learning opportunities; how to reflect and action self-awareness. This will allow students to use emotional and social intelligence to understand their impact on others and consider the application to managing and leading others. Through both formal and informal reflection, based on a wide range of learning engagements, students can develop opportunities to evaluate behaviours, thoughts, attitudes, motivation, and desires.CoreEffective Communication 2024-25MGS1002MLevel 42024-25A foundation of leadership and management within an organisation is effective communication at every level, and with a range of people. The aim of this module is to empower students to develop a range of communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate and engage effectively with others. This module will act as the foundation for the development of communications as a management skill.CoreIntroduction to Leadership and Management in Practice 2024-25MGS1003MLevel 42024-25This module acts as the first steps in the development of students into their role as leaders and managers. The module builds learning opportunities for students to progress through a series of simulations based on workplace activities. The first stage of their development is building the foundation blocks of the skills and attributes of leadership and management which is then progressed through advanced application to more complex and challenging leadership and management roles.CoreUsing Resources in the Organisation 2024-25MGS1004MLevel 42024-25Underpinning the role of effective management is the utilisation of resources to complete objectives. For the manager, resources act as the tools needed to develop the transformation of concepts into operational practise. This module acts as the foundation point for the development of the use of resources to support the leader and manager in achieving their aims and objectives.CoreAnalysis in a Global Context 2025-26MGS2001MLevel 52025-26The focus of this module is to develop analytical skills for leaders and managers. Underpinning the module is the development of analytical processes for the individual. Analysis will be developed within a global context based around appropriate case studies that review the application of leadership and management into specific operational contexts.CoreApplication of Leadership and Management in Practice 2025-26MGS2002MLevel 52025-26This module acts as the next step in the development of students as leaders and managers. The module builds learning opportunities for student to progress through a series of simulations within a workplace. This module builds on earlier study, via application of advanced leadership and management attributes, and skills which are applied to more complex and challenging leadership and management roles.CorePlanning and Practice in the Contemporary Environment 2025-26MGS2003MLevel 52025-26This module acts as a capstone for the Foundation Degree. It offers students the opportunity to develop their role as leaders and managers through two perspectives. The first is that of developing plans to meet complex situations and the second is to practise the applications of these plans within a placement.Core

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

How you are assessed

The programme adopts a range of formative and summative assessment strategies. The variety in assessment reflects both the broad span of learning outcomes appropriate to the programme and the varying student needs. The strategy for assessment for the programme includes the use of 'formative' assessments to provide a key element of the learning experience. Students will have the opportunity for formative assessment on all assessment elements.

Portfolios will be used extensively to combine individuals' tasks into a coherent and innovate assessments. Portfolio elements could include reports, case studies, descriptions, reviews, reflective learning accounts, presentations, projects, proposals, plans, and practical work-based artefacts with accompanying critical commentary.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

Entry Requirements

All applicants will be selected for the programme individually, based on entry requirements in line with University policy. Typically, this will mean meeting the educational standards to enter the Royal Navy, being selected for the Young Marine Officers Training Programme, beginning employment with the Royal Navy, and joining the Young Marine Officers Training Programme.

Enrolment and Fees

All student recruitment is carried out by the Royal Marines and all students are subject to the Officer Recruitment programme. Officer recruitment is a competitive process involving interviews, assessment centre, referencing and written applications.

For those without an existing degree, there will be no costs. For those already with a degree please contact for current fees.

Top up to BSc (Hons) Leadership and Management

Once you have successfully completed the FdA Leadership and Management with the Royal Marines, you are eligible to apply for the BSc (Hons) Leadership and Management. This can be accomplished via distance learning, allowing students to continue their professional commitments while furthering their education flexibly.

Royal Marine
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.