Key Features
Aligned with NHS career framework
Part Time
You choose the focus of your learning
Designed for practitioners
Short Course
Blended Learning
30 PG Credit
Date TBC
This course has been designed to meet the needs of registered and practicing professionals such as nurses, paramedics, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and radiographers.
In this course you choose the focus of your learning, giving you the opportunity to explore subjects that are truly relevant to your personal professional practice. Using the University of Lincoln 'Student as Producer' ethos, you will negotiate a topic, produce a written learning or project plan, and agree your own learning outcomes with the module leader, who will then use workshops, guided study and individual tutorial support to facilitate you meeting these.
Aligned with NHS career framework
Part Time
You choose the focus of your learning
Designed for practitioners
This module takes a negotiated learning approach, allowing for content to be tailored individually to your area of work-based interest.
You will initially participate in workshops which will support the development of your individualised learning plan and outcome plan.
The content in the workshops will typically include:
- Theoretical approaches to professional learning as an adult
- Selection and synthesis of relevant literature
- Development and implementation of a learning contract
- Project planning and coordination
- Approaches for evaluating impact
- Negotiating complexity in work environments
- Self-efficacy and critical reflection
- Advanced communication
- Leading project work
You will also have access to the University's Virtual Learning Environment where you will have access to additional reading resources.
Assessment in this course will be a formative assessment, where you will outline your learning plan, and a summative assessment in the form of a viva voce.
From short courses and microcredentials, to professional development modules and fully online Master’s degrees, we offer a range of flexible programmes to suit your individual needs. Our suite of programmes uses a variety of delivery methods, including online-only, face-to-face, blended, and distance-learning approaches.