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Nursing (Pre-registration - Mental Health)

Key Information


Brayford Pool

Start Date

January 2026

Typical Offer

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2 year

Academic Year

Course Overview

Mental health nurses support patients with a wide range of issues including anxiety, depression, addiction, and eating disorders. They work in a settings such as in hospitals or the community and help people manage their illness and improve their lives.

This Master's degree enables graduates from a range of backgrounds the opportunity to transfer their skills to become a registered nurse (mental health). The course is aimed at graduates of a degree in a relevant discipline who aspire to qualify for eligibility to apply to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Register.

The course is underpinned by the core values of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and aims to promotes critical thinking skills and the spirit of inquiry.

Over the past few decades the role of the nurse has developed due to the changing context of health and social care, resulting in a wide range of new positions and services. Registered nurses (mental health) hold a significant role in terms of leading and coordinating care provision for people across the lifespan; aware of complex mental, physical, cognitive, and behavioural care needs of those they look after.

This Master's degree aims to develop registered nurses (mental health) who prioritise people by providing safe and effective care, educating those in their care through the use of technology, promoting health literacy to prevent ill health, and supporting healthy choices and lifestyles. The course has been developed to raise the professional values and social conscience of students to prepare them for future healthcare roles.

Nurses translate evidence-based knowledge to improve healthcare delivery while maintaining and emphasising the ethics of person centred care. Modules on this course have been designed with this in mind and aim to stimulate innovation, improve quality, manage risk, and identify areas for productive change.

The University of Lincoln, together with our practice partners, share a vision to prepare students to become dynamic nurses that are fit for practice in rapidly changing and challenging care environments.

Why Choose Lincoln

Delivered by experienced practitioners

Modern clinical suites to apply theory

Placements in a range of settings

Study abroad opportunities

YouTube video for Why Choose Lincoln

How You Study

Collaboration is a key part of this Master's degree and students are encouraged to learn with and from other healthcare professionals. Students can work in collaboration and partnership with academics, practitioners, service users, and other students. The course aims to empower students to become nurses that are resilient, caring, reflective, and lifelong learners to facilitate knowledge of other roles and services, inter-agency cooperation, and the confidence to work across professional boundaries.

Student as Producer

Research-engaged and evidence-based learning and teaching is at the core of the student learning experience on this course. Student as Producer is a model of teaching and learning that encourages academics and undergraduate students to collaborate on research activities. It is a programme committed to learning through doing.

The principles of Student as Producer are discovery, collaboration, engagement, and production.


Students can learn through their own research. Independent learning is promoted on each module through both directed and self-directed study, enabling students to contextualise the taught content to their field of practice and promoting independent study as a process students can use throughout their professional career.


Interprofessional working is an important part of the course. Students can work together to develop their knowledge and understanding and students can collaborate amongst professional peer groups and staff. Students are seen as partners in the production and dissemination of knowledge.


Students can develop their confidence and identity as a member of a professional community. Students can transfer and apply their learning to nursing practice, fully engaging with reflection, and the proactive identification of their own learning needs.


The course focuses on the production of professionally relevant and innovative learning outputs that can be applied and implemented within nursing practice, as well as focusing on the achievement of academic learning outcomes. 

By the end of the programme students must be able to demonstrate competence against the Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses. These include being an accountable professional, Promoting health and preventing ill health, assessing needs and planning care, providing and evaluating care, leading and managing nursing care and working in teams, improving safety and quality of care and, coordinating care.


Module Overview

Health improvement is a term used to describe the work done with individuals and communities to enable and encourage healthy lifestyle choices to be made regardless of health and social circumstances. It is one of the three key domains of public health practice.

This second year module has been designed to extend students’ knowledge of public health policy and practice and provide the opportunity to explore how psychological, social, behavioural and environmental factors influence health, illness and healthcare and how these shape the advice given to patients to improve their own health and the health of others around them. Students will be encouraged to question the ethical basis of and effectiveness of health improvement practice in the current health and social care context from global, national and local perspectives.

Module Overview

This module is designed to develop the knowledge and skills needed to undertake a detailed clinical history within a variety of settings within students' chosen fields. By the end of this module students should be able to interpret a number of investigations and assessments, document and communicate their findings, and apply their knowledge of pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, and interventions to recommend a person-centred evidence based plan of care. Students will be supported to develop the skills necessary to communicate the plan of care. Students can how to coordinate the delivery of care for people with a range of physical and mental health needs, and people with learning disabilities across the lifespan.

Module Overview

This second year module will help you to focus on the transition from student nurse to a Registered Mental Health Nurse in your chosen field of practice. You will be supported to develop the skills you will need to become more resilient and able to deal with the difficult decision you will have to make in every day care situations, particularly in light of political and economic constraints. You will have the opportunity to reflect on your learning and develop a portfolio that will help you towards meeting the requirements of registration and revalidation, and identify your future career goals. The learning outcomes in this module reflect The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives (NMC, 2015, updated 2018).

Module Overview

This module has been designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop essential knowledge and understanding about the structure and function of health and social care in the UK. The module will support students in making the transition to Master's level study and assist them in the development of key skills such as critical evaluation, reflection, and using evidence to underpin practice.

Module Overview

This module explores aspects of leadership and management in healthcare, alongside practical skills for facilitating practice learning and supervising students in a range of learning environments.

Students can gain an understanding of management and leadership theory and how human factors can impact upon organisational culture, service delivery, and clinical practice. Students can learn how to function effectively as a member of a team, motivating and supporting their colleagues.

Students can collectively explore the skills required for critical and constructive reflection as a registered professional, preparing for lifelong personal and professional development. This will include practicing coaching and mentorship techniques, to support and facilitate the development of others on the programme; reflecting the culmination of their engagement in peer to peer education and buddying throughout the programme.

Module Overview

Care is becoming more multifaceted with increasing co-morbidities and an increase in the health and care complexities experience by some people, and whilst there are advances in treatments and technologies, there is a need to prioritise the care we provide in an increasingly complex care environment.

The aim of this second year module is to help students explore the needs of people with complex health needs across the lifespan, including coping with long-term illness and disability. Students will be expected to explore care delivery for individuals and groups of people, and building on the leadership theories learnt in year one to employ the skills of decision-making and delegation within a team or organisation. This is synonymous with the ability to make clinically sound decisions based on best evidence within complex and rapidly changing clinical environments. It is intended that by the end of this module students will have developed their confidence to lead and manage these complex care situations and decisions.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to provide you with the opportunity to undertake practice learning in a safe, supported, and appropriate environment in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) standards.

During this module, you will have practice learning opportunities that allow you to ‘meet the professional values, communication and relationship management skills and nursing skills to meet specific aspects of the standards of proficiency for registered nurses’ (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2018, p.13).

You can attend placements where you will be a supernumerary member of the team. You will be supported by registered professionals who will act as practice supervisors, by non-registered colleagues, and the multi-disciplinary team. A Registered Nurse will be assigned to work with you as your Practice Assessor and will work with you to ensure completion of the practice assessment document.

You will be supported by the University team and an allocated Academic Assessor to develop your professional skills and attributes.

Your allocated practice placements during Part 1 will allow you to observe, participate and assist in the provision of evidence-based care. By the end of your Part 1 placements, you should demonstrate a minimum level of skills, knowledge, and behaviours, described as: Guided participation in care and performing with increasing confidence and competence.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to provide you with the opportunity to undertake practice learning in a safe, supported, and appropriate environment in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) standards.

During this module, you can have practice learning opportunities that allow you to ‘meet the professional values, communication, and relationship management skills and nursing skills to meet specific aspects of the standards of proficiency for registered nurses’ (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2018, p.13).

You are able to attend a placement where you will be a supernumerary member of the team. You will be supported by registered professionals who will act as practice supervisors, by non-registered colleagues, and the multi-disciplinary team. A Registered Nurse will be assigned to you as your Practice Assessor and will work with you to ensure completion of the practice assessment document.

You will be supported by the University team and an allocated Academic Assessor to develop your professional skills and attributes.

Your allocated practice placement during Part 2 will allow you to observe, participate, and assist in the provision of evidence-based care. By the end of your Part 2 placement, you should be able to demonstrate a minimum level of skills, knowledge, and behaviours, described as: Active participation in care with minimal guidance and performing with increasing confidence and competence.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to provide you with the opportunity to undertake practice learning in a safe, supported, and appropriate environment in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) standards.

During this module, you will have practice learning opportunities that allow you to ‘meet the professional values, communication, relationship management skills, and nursing skills to meet specific aspects of the standards of proficiency for registered nurses’ (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2018, p.13).

You can attend placements where you will be a supernumerary member of the team. You will be supported by registered professionals who will act as practice supervisors, by non-registered colleagues, and the multi-disciplinary team. A Registered Nurse will be assigned to work with you as your Practice Assessor and will work with you to ensure completion of the practice assessment document.

You will be supported by the University team and an allocated Academic Assessor to develop your professional skills and attributes.

Your allocated practice placements during Part 3 will allow you to observe, participate and assist in the provision of evidence-based care. By the end of your Part 3 placements, you should demonstrate a high level of skills, knowledge, and behaviours, described as: Practising independently with minimal supervision and leading and co-ordinating care with confidence.

Module Overview

This first year module aims to help further develop the skills and knowledge in order to provide holistic care and evaluate the care that nurses and their teams provide to people to meet their health and wellbeing needs. By the end of this module students should be able to document and evaluate the effectiveness of care provided to people requiring treatment for physical and/or mental health conditions. This includes re-establishing treatment goals and prioritising the provision of care; facilitating shared decision-making on discharge or transition to other services. Students can also develop their skills to safely judge the use of medicines for people in their care, including therapeutic uses, effects, and modes of action, and students should be able to calculate medicines correctly.

Module Overview

This module provides the learner with a knowledge and skills of appropriate quality improvement tools to systematically evaluate an area of service delivery within their field of practice. The module will support students to critically examine current research and audit practices in order to systematically reviewing the literature to find alternative ways of working to improve patient outcomes. Students will be expected to prepare a business case proposal for change within their professional area.

Module Overview

This second year module provides the students with the chance to develop the knowledge and skills required to systematically propose a service transformation project in order to improve service delivery and patient safety within their area of professional practice.

This module aims to enhance the students’ underpinning knowledge, project management, leadership, and problem solving skills in order to undertake a process of service improvement within the delivery of health and social care. The main focus of the taught content is to ensure that care standards, quality assurance mechanisms, improvement methodologies, process and strategies are fully considered and incorporated into the project.

† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, and contact hours.

Nursing and Midwifery Council 2018 Future Nurse Standards

The programme is validated to the NMC 2018 Future Nurse standards, as such, we co-teach across the adult, child, and mental health nursing pre-registration programmes.

Study Abroad

In the second year, students have the opportunity to undertake an elective placement either overseas or in the UK. Placements can enable students to focus on an alternative healthcare context and offer the opportunity to gain an insight into, and experience of, working alongside colleagues from a range of disciplines. Please note, students are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and general living costs while on placement or studying abroad.


In the second year, students have the opportunity to undertake an elective placement either overseas or in the UK. Placements can enable students to focus on an alternative healthcare context and offer the opportunity to gain an insight into, and experience of, working alongside colleagues from a range of disciplines. Please note, students are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and general living costs while on placement or studying abroad. Travel to placements will be expected and you will be responsible for all related travel costs. UK based applicants may be eligible for reimbursement of some of these costs, further information on this is available on the NHS Learning Support Fund webpage.


The University has invested £19 million in the Sarah Swift Building, a dedicated facility for the School of Health and Social Care. The course is delivered in well-equipped clinical suites for simulated practice, with separate teaching and observation areas.

YouTube video for Facilities

How you are assessed

Students are assessed both formally and informally throughout the course to develop learning and autonomy. Assessments can take place both within the University and practice placement environments. Practice-based learning will be assessed as either a pass or fail. Academic work contributes towards their final grade.

Some of the assessment on the course is led by tutors, however students are encouraged to engage in peer and self-assessment to help develop the skills of reflection and evaluation which are essential for lifelong learning and continued professional development, following registration as a nurse.

Some of the assessments focus on theoretical knowledge and the application of theory, and others on the practical performance of technical skills and patient management.

Assessments throughout the programme have been designed to be relevant to professional working practices. 

Learning alongside the adult and children nursing cohorts has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of different areas of nursing and develop a wide range of clinical skills that will benefit future roles within healthcare.

Career Development

Postgraduate study is an investment in yourself and your future. It can help you to further or completely change your career, develop your knowledge, enhance your salary, or even prepare you to start your own business. Our nursing students have gone on to work in a wide range of healthcare settings in both community and acute services within Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, and further afield in posts such as community staff nurse, GP practice nurse, and nurses in accident and emergency departments.

Why Postgraduate Study?

How to Apply

Postgraduate Application Support

Applying for a postgraduate programme at Lincoln is easy. Find out more about the application process and what you'll need to complete on our How to Apply page. Here, you'll also be able to find out more about the entry requirements we accept and how to contact us for dedicated support during the process.

A student listening in a seminar

Entry Requirements 2025-26

Entry Requirements

Applicants who meet the following entry criteria will be invited to an online group interview, the interviewers will be assessing that your character and values align with the NHS Values:

- Applicants should hold an honours degree at 2.2 classification or above.

- Normally 3 GCSEs at grade 4 (C) including English, Maths and Science, or equivalent qualifications. These GCSEs must be obtained prior to submitting an application. Applicants who completed an Access to HE in Health and Social Care will be required to provide evidence of undertaking science units at level 3.

- Evidence of experience in a practice setting to include 650 hours of care related practice experience should be completed prior to application and discussed within your personal statement. Documentation will need to be provided and verified within one month of interview (if successful). Please see below for more information.

Certificates and degree transcripts of all previous qualifications will need to be provided before any offers are confirmed.

Other requirements include:

- IELTS 7.0 with no element below 5.5.

- Successful performance at an interview.

- Knowledge of contemporary health and social care issues, and the role of the Mental Health Nurse in providing healthcare.

- Understanding of written material and can communicate clearly and accurately in written and spoken English.

- "Settled residential status" in the United Kingdom in line with the requirements of the 1971 Immigration Act (for International students only).

- Resident in the United Kingdom for at least three years (for International students only).

- All students will be required to sign the subject-specific Fitness to Practise Code of Conduct on entry, details of which will be forwarded with an offer letter.

- Satisfactory completion of an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) (formerly the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). How you undertake that check will differ depending on where you are living, so further information will be provided as part of the enrolment process.

- Entry on to the course is subject to meeting the requirements of a profession specific occupational health screening.

Evidence of Experience in a Practice Setting:

This section of the portfolio relates to the evidence you need to provide to show that you have undertaken 650 hours of care related practice experience. This will ensure that you are able to meet the required 2300 hours of practice at the end of your programme which is a stipulation of the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council).

What do we mean by care related practice?

For the purpose of recognition of prior experiential learning (RPEL), practice can be defined as:

'A place of work that specialises in providing services to people requiring physical or psychological support or care'.

Experience can be in the following:

- A hospital, care home, or community setting and can include people of any age;

- Undertaken on a paid or voluntary basis

- Within an NHS, private or voluntary organisation.

A practice supervisor will be required to verify practice hours completion, but if you have already completed 650 hours of practice, for example as a healthcare assistant, you will not have to complete an additional 650 hours. However, you will still have to ask a practice supervisor to verify that you have completed the required number of practice hours.

You are responsible for ensuring all sections of this document are completed and signed by a practice supervisor. Examples of appropriate supervisors may include the following:

- Line manager
- Registered health or social care practitioner
- Voluntary work coordinator/leader.

Applicants with Disabilities

We take seriously our obligation to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that all students with disabilities can successfully complete their studies. All applicants will be assessed on the basis of the criteria outlined here regardless of any disability. If you declare a disability we will invite you to work with us to explore how best we can support your studies.

Other information:

You must declare all spent and unspent criminal convictions including (but not limited to) cautions, reprimands, final warnings, bind over orders or similar and details of any minor offences, fixed penalty notices, penalty notices for disorder, ASBOs or VOOs.

Further information can be found at

I am a qualified nurse in my home country. Can I apply for this programme?

You could apply if you were considering changing your field of registration, we could potentially consider this, but we have a limited number of places. This is not a post-registration Master's degree and you could make contact with the Nursing and Midwifery Council should you wish to register as a nurse to work in the UK.

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Course Fees

You will need to have funding in place for your studies before you arrive at the University. Our fees vary depending on the course, mode of study, and whether you are a UK or international student. You can view the breakdown of fees for this programme below.

Course Fees

The University offers a range of merit-based, subject-specific, and country-focused scholarships for UK and international students. To help support students from outside of the UK, we offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Course-Specific Funding and Bursaries

From September 2023, pre-registration undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare students can apply for the NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF).

If eligible, you will receive:
- A training grant of £5,000 GBP per academic year.
- Increased parental support of £2,000 GBP, if you have at least one dependent child under 15 years, or under 17 years if registered with special educational needs.
- Increased money back for excess travel and temporary accommodation costs (Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses) while you're on your practice placement.
- Students experiencing financial hardship (Exceptional Support Fund).

For more information and to see your eligibility, visit:

Please note, this government bursary is available to Home students only. Details on scholarships and bursaries available to Overseas and EU students can be found online:

Please note that International students will not be eligible for support for travel and accommodation.

Course-Specific Additional Costs

Students are responsible for their own travel, accommodation, and general living costs relating to placements.

Placement expenses for travel, and accommodation may be reimbursed by NHS Bursaries where, for example, the requirement exceeds that of attending university; requires transport out of normal operating hours; or requires additional accommodation to that of the usual term time location. These expenses may need to be covered initially by the student before any applicable reimbursement is received.

The current rates for reimbursement can be found here:

Funding Your Study

Postgraduate Funding Options

Find out more about the optional available to support your postgraduate study, from Master's Loans to scholarship opportunities. You can also find out more about how to pay your fees and access support from our helpful advisors.

Two students working on a laptop in a study space

Academic Contact

For more information about this course, please contact the Programme Leader.

Nicola Deveaux

Postgraduate Events

To get a real feel for what it is like to study at the University of Lincoln, we hold a number of dedicated postgraduate events and activities throughout the year for you to take part in.

A group of students sat around a table, working together on a project
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.