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Research within the School of Engineering


The School of Engineering is home to two research groups with interests based in Sustainable Energy and Power Systems and Industrial Digitalisation and Systems Intelligence (IDSI).

This School is dedicated to supporting innovative research of the highest quality. Our objective is to provide a global centre of excellence in industrial and commercial energy and high technology system sectors. For more information click on the images below to visit our research groups.

Sustainable Energy and Power Research Group

The SEP group provides a strategic focus for fundamental and applied research that includes activities in Smart Energy; Grid Development; Renewables Research for the Built Environment; Energy Harvesting; Prognostics and Diagnostics for Industrial Systems; Laser Technology for Industrial Systems; Power Electronic Conversion; Advanced Vehicle Control; and Biofuels Research, among others.

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Industrial Digitalisation and System Intelligence (IDSI) Research Group

The IDSI research group conducts both fundamental and industry-driven research to advance innovation beyond the horizon. Our diverse research activity encompasses Artificial Intelligence; Advanced Control and Diagnostics; Dynamic System Modelling; Robotics; Image and Signal Processing; System Optimization and Human-Machine Interaction for a broad portfolio of real-life engineering applications.

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Contact Us

School of Engineering, College of Health and Science
University of Lincoln, Isaac Newton Building, Brayford Pool, University of, Lincoln LN6 7TS