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New Medicine Students
Welcome to Lincoln Medical School
We can’t wait to welcome our new Medicine students this September. Once you have secured your place with us, this is where your journey to becoming a medic starts – however, knowing exactly where to begin is always tricky, so we've created this space just for you so that you feel ready to start this September. Each section contains useful guidance on what you need to know before you arrive and what to expect from your first few weeks in the Lincoln Medical School.
Make sure you also check out our Get Ready for Lincoln webpage which contains lots of useful information designed to prepare you for joining us in September. Please note on this page it advises you to contact the Admissions team if you have any queries, but for Medicine students please contact medicine@lincoln.ac.uk instead.
Welcome Week and the Start of Term
The start of term for new A10L and A18L Medicine students is Monday 23 September 2024, and this is when your formal induction and enrolment will begin. If you think you will be unable to join us on campus by Monday 23 September 2024, please contact us at medicine@lincoln.ac.uk.
The University of Lincoln's Welcome Week activities will be taking place from Monday 16 September 2024, and Medicine students can optionally attend. A range of activities will be coordinated by the University of Lincoln and the Lincoln Students’ Union. The schedule for this can be found in our Welcome Week website.
There will be no Medicine induction sessions during this week, however there will be informal drop-in sessions where staff will be available to offer support if needed. During these sessions, there will also be the chance to have a tour of the Ross Lucas Medical Sciences building, meet other Medicine students and take part in a Treasure Hunt activity.
Please note, as enrolment for Medicine does not officially begin until Monday 23 September, some University of Lincoln Welcome Week activities may not be fully available to Medicine students prior to their formal enrolment. Students should also be aware that they may not receive Student Finance loans prior to their enrolment, and as such should make alternative financial provision if they plan to arrive the week commencing Monday 16 September 2024.
To attend the University of Lincoln’s Week, you must register your attendance. Failure to register will result in you being unable to join in with these activities.
Getting Started
This section provides an overview of the essential tasks you will need to complete as part of your enrolment/registration, as well helpful resources to support you if you join us at Lincoln Medical School.
University registration
If your place with Lincoln Medical School is confirmed, you will receive an email notification from the University of Nottingham approximately three weeks before your start date. This email will contain further details on how to complete the registration process. The registration process can be completed online on MyNottingham. If you have not received your registration email, please contact registration@nottingham.ac.uk.
Some students may be asked to complete a document check as part of their registration/enrolment. The University are required to ask for this information to ensure that you have the right to study in the UK. If you are required to complete a document check, you will be sent an email by enrolmentdocuments@lincoln.ac.uk to request that you provide images of your documents or to share your status with the University of Lincoln. This may include uploading a passport or a visa, if you hold one.
Upload your ID photo
You are required to upload a passport style photo to the University of Nottingham University card system as soon as possible, so that a student ID card can be created for you. For more information on how to obtain and use your first University of Nottingham Student ID Card, please visit the University of Nottingham website.
Please make sure to carefully read the photo requirements, as your submission must comply with them. Lincoln Medical School will also use your photo to produce your University of Lincoln student ID card and therefore any delays in uploading a photo may impact the production of your student ID cards. Your photo must be uploaded to the University of Nottingham system by Monday 2 September 2024 at the latest.
As a University of Nottingham student studying at the Lincoln campus, you will be provided with two university cards so you can access libraries, facilities, and carry out any printing or photocopying at each campus. The majority of the time, you will be using your University of Lincoln card as this is where most of your teaching and related activities will take place. Please keep your ID cards safe as you may have to pay a fee for replacement of any lost cards.
Sign your Medical Student Declaration
As a medical student you are studying for both a university degree and a professional qualification. You must:
Read and Sign the School of Medicine: Medical Student Contract Before Starting the Course
The contract acts as a formal declaration on your behalf to demonstrate that you are aware of School of Medicine protocol. It will also act as evidence that you have been transparent with any issues that may affect your fitness to practice medicine.
Sign the University of Lincoln Students Union Consent Form
To join the University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union, you are required to complete a data sharing consent form.
If you are attending Lincoln Fresher's Week and want to attend Students’ Union activities and events, you will need to provide consent for the University of Lincoln to share your data with the Students' Union. Please complete the below form by the Monday 9 September 2024. You will not be able to attend any SU events, sports, and societies until you have completed this form.
Complete DBS Check and Occupational Health Check
Your offer is conditional upon you successfully completing additional fitness to practice checks. You will also need to complete Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance and have an Occupational Health check.
You should have already received communications from University of Nottingham with guidance on how to complete your DBS check.
You should have also received a communication from the School of Medicine and Optima Health (University of Nottingham’s Occupational Health provider), with full details and a link to complete a questionnaire (PPQ) before you arrive. If you have any questions, you can email the Placements Team via ms-placements-admin@nottingham.ac.uk or if it is Occupational Health specific, you can email Optima Health via team8@optimahealth.co.uk.
In addition to completing the Occupational Health Questionnaire, you will need to be assessed in person by the University of Nottingham's Occupational Health provider, Optima Health. An appointment with Optima Health will take place during your first week. Please see your induction timetable for further details of the date and location. You will receive an email invitation directly from Optima Health detailing the date and time slot you will be required to attend.
Access the Digital Services Getting Started guide
Take a look at our Digital Services Getting Started guide for a step-by-step process to setting up your Lincoln account. You can also learn more about your Lincoln and Nottingham accounts and which login you should use for individual applications.
Laboratory coat information
You will require a laboratory coat for the practical sessions that you undertake during your course which will be provided to you by Lincoln Medical School.
If you have been offered a place on the A18L Medicine with Foundation Year course, you will be required to wear a ‘Howie’ laboratory coat. Please note that these coats are kept in the first-floor laboratory for safety purposes and cannot be taken out of this room. A clean coat will be provided to you at the start of each teaching session and will need to be returned at the end. The lab coats changing procedure will be explained at the ‘Lab Introduction’ session which will take place during your induction week.
If you have been offered a place on the A10L Medicine course, you will require a ‘Howie’ laboratory coat. During your induction weeks you will be asked to try on a lab coat to determine the correct size for you. The Lincoln Medical School provide funding only for one coat throughout Year 1 and 2 of your degree. Please note that it is your responsibility to arrange to have your lab coat laundered, if this is required.
Scrubs Information
New students (both A18L and A10L) will be given your own set of scrubs. It is a requirement to wear your scrubs to all hospital visits and during any clinical skills sessions. During your induction weeks you will be asked to try on a set of scrubs to determine the correct size for you. Please note that it is your responsibility to take your scrubs home to wash at the end of the session/day.
Health Centre registration
Once you have a confirmed place with us, you may wish to register with the on-campus surgery/Health Centre. Registration with the Health Centre can be done via a form which you can download from the website or obtain in person. This can be completed prior to starting University, or during your first few weeks. For more information or to complete the registration form, please follow the link below.
Lincoln Medical School Statement of Mission and Values
By joining Lincoln Medical School, you will be joining a School with a strong mission and set of values, including a commitment to create and nurture a respectful, inclusive and empathetic atmosphere for work/study. A copy of our Lincoln Medical School Statement of Mission and Values, to which all staff and students must make a commitment, is available for you to read:
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
Lincoln Medical School is committed to providing an inclusive and positive environment and to supporting the diversity of all its students and staff. We work hard to meet the needs of a diverse student population and provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment for all. We expect all students to work with us and behave in a way that reflects and appreciates the diversity of the University community.
The University of Nottingham and the University of Lincoln both work hard to promote equality and embrace diversity, not just as a legislative requirement, but as part of their core values and missions. The universities support a wide variety of activities focussing on EDI, from short-term working groups focused on specific issues to wider initiatives to help develop training for all staff.
Lincoln Medical School is signed up to the BMA Racial Harassment Charter, seeking to prevent and address racial harassment.
We commit to:
- Supporting individuals speaking out
- Ensuring robust processes for reporting and handling complaints
- Ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusion across the learning environment
- Addressing racial harassment on work placements.
All staff within Lincoln Medical School are expected to undertake training in Equality and Diversity, and Unconscious Bias, and online training courses on these topics form part of the core induction programme for our medical students. All personal tutors within Lincoln Medical School have access to a reference guide to explore EDI issues and to understand some of the different difficulties that our diverse student body can encounter during their studies. We hope it will help to improve the academic experience of all students at the University, as well as the relationships between students and their personal tutors.
A copy of this guide can be viewed here: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/edi/staff-guides.aspx
We recognise that, to enable all students to have equal access to our facilities and educational opportunities, some students may require adjustments or specialist support. We therefore aim to take a flexible approach, wherever possible, when responding to the individual needs of our students. For more information on adjustments or specialist support please visit our Student Wellbeing pages: https://studentservices.lincoln.ac.uk/health-and-wellbeing/.
For more information on the EDI work at the University of Nottingham please visit https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/medicine/about/equality-diversity-and-inclusion.aspx.
For more information on the EDI work at the University of Lincoln please visit https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/abouttheuniversity/diversityandinclusion/.
Student finance, tuition fees, and payment
You can find information on how to pay your fees, or view which loan options are available to you, on the University of Nottingham’s fees and funding pages. Remember to register online otherwise your status with Student Finance might be affected.
Financial Support
You may be eligible for University of Nottingham bursaries, subject to meeting eligibility criteria. Some of these bursaries will be awarded automatically, while the ‘Core Bursary’ and the ‘Nottingham Potential Bursary’, as well as other bursaries, can be applied for. Find out more about eligibility criteria on the University of Nottingham's website.
Information about the accommodation process and what to expect at this stage can be accessed via the University of Lincoln’s Accommodation Team blog site.
Please note that move in dates stated on the blog may differ for Lincoln Medical School students. You will be contacted directly by the University of Lincoln’s Accommodation Team if you have booked University provided accommodation.
If you have any questions or queries about accommodation, you can contact the Lincoln Accommodation Team via email at accommodation@lincoln.ac.uk. It will help the team deal with your enquiry if you indicate that you are an offer holder with Lincoln Medical School in the email subject.
The Lincoln Accommodation Team also has a website which you may wish to visit to view some of the accommodation options available and take a 360° tour of the rooms available. You can find out more on our Accommodation webpages.
Records and information management
As Lincoln Medical School is a partnership between the Universities of Nottingham and Lincoln, the arrangements for data collection and data sharing are different to other University of Nottingham or University of Lincoln students. What data is provided to the University of Lincoln by the University of Nottingham and how this is used, is explained in your LMS Student Privacy Notice (PDF). If you have any questions about how your data is used, please contact the Lincoln Medical School Office in the first instance at medicine@lincoln.ac.uk.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about registration/enrolment, please contact the University of Nottingham by email at ss-reception-qmc@nottingham.ac.uk.
If you have any questions about studying at Lincoln Medical School, please contact the Lincoln Medical School via email in the first instance at medicine@lincoln.ac.uk.