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Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research
The Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage was formed in 2011 to co-ordinate our research activities in conservation, history and science in relation to the heritage sector. Members share an interest in historic material culture and its conservation and analysis. We have access to science-based methodologies for materials analysis and the historical expertise needed to articulate the significance of this analysis. Members work with the museum sector as conservators, curators and consultants.
The Centre aims to:
- encourage collaboration between scientists, conservators and historians
- execute high quality research that draws upon the range of our expertise
- provide external clients with research and consultancy that has a meaningful impact on their capability and audience
- develop archival collections that can aid the development of the heritage sector
- train research students in innovative methodologies
- provide MA and BA students with the opportunity to work on exciting 'live' heritage projects
Research Themes:
Architectural Paint Research
Architectural Paint Research
Lincoln Conservation use the analytical techniques of architectural paint research to provide new primary data about historic interiors. Their research has led to major reassessments of famous decorative schemes across the UK. They regularly work for English Heritage, the National Trust, the Historic Royal Palaces, Local Authorities and many other prestigious clients.
Cultural History
Cultural History
Cultural historians Ian Waites, Annie Richardson and Jim Cheshire work on the visual and material culture of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Their interests include travel writing, masculinity, landscape painting, post WW2 housing estates, stained glass and publishing history. Our cultural historians attend research groups across the university, particularly the Nineteenth-Century Studies Research Group.
Historic and Ancient Materials
Historic and Ancient Materials
HAMR brings together a group of scientists from across the University with interests in the chemical, physico-chemical and biological processes affecting heritage materials. The group is involved in a number of European projects, and collaborates with a wide variety of organisations and professionals from the heritage sector, including The National Museum of Wales, Institute of Materials Science, NCSR Demokritos (Athens), The National Gallery of Athens, The British Library, Trinity House, English Heritage, The Natural History Museum, Tate Britain and The National Trust.
Postgraduate Study
We run a taught MA programme: Conservation of Cultural Heritage and a Graduate Diploma for graduates seeking to enter the profession. We supervise PhD students across a range of disciplines and welcome enquires from prospective PhD students.
Lincoln Conservation
Lincoln Conservation is a specialist in the conservation and restoration of the interior and exterior features of listed and historic buildings, historic artefacts, collections management and historic paint analysis and research. Find out more about the work undertaken by Lincoln Conservation.