Level 4 Hygiene Specialist

Introduction to the Apprenticeship
This occupation is found in environments that require specific attention to hygiene requirements. The hygiene specialist standard is designed by industry, for those individuals who provide the expertise and specialist management and leadership skills for setting, maintaining, and implementing effective and efficient hygiene management systems, through working with senior technical, production, and operational teams across the organisation.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for co-ordinating the development and implementation of the hygiene management system through inter-departmental working. Hygiene Specialists work with a high degree of autonomy across departments to ensure hygiene standards are achieved to meet organisational, industry and legislative requirements and will contribute to the hygienic design of buildings and equipment. They will have a good understanding of the science of hygiene processes and chemicals and will work with external providers to identify and select the best chemicals and hygiene equipment for use within the business.
Apprenticeship Standard
For more information about the Level 4 Hygiene Specialist standard, please visit: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/hygiene-specialist/
Apprenticeship Modules
The broad purpose of the occupation is to provide specialist hygiene services in areas such as closed plants, sterile environments, food production, and laboratories. Hygiene Specialists are subject matter experts who have accountability for setting, maintaining and implementing hygiene management systems. They provide leadership and support for hygiene activities, including managing health and safety hazards and having an appreciation of environmental risks.
They will have a good understanding of microbiology, will analyse and interpret microbiological results and identify appropriate controls. The Hygiene Specialist will determine the audit requirements of the hygiene management system and provide advice and support to other colleagues to ensure it is maintained.
Modules include:
- Principles of Food Safety and HACCP
- Health, Safety and Environmental Management
- Managing Self and Others
- Science for Hygiene Specialists
- Hygienic Factory Design and Controls
- Auditing and Compliance
- Project Management and Management Development
- Business Improvement and the Management of Change
- Business, Finance, People, and Performance
Apprenticeship End Point Assessment
All apprentices must spend a minimum of 12 months on-programme (before the gateway) working towards the occupational standard, and should meet the off the job requirements for an apprenticeship.
The EPA period should only start once the employer is satisfied that the apprentice is deemed to be consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational standard. Apprentices without English and mathematics at level 2 must achieve level 2 prior to taking their EPA. The EPA must be completed within an EPA period lasting typically 5 months, The EPA consists of 3 discrete assessment methods.
- Knowledge test
- Workplace project with presentation and questions
- Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence.
For more information about the End Point Assessment Process, please visit: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/media/4174/st0873_hygiene_specialist_l4_ap-for-publication_150420.pdf
Contact us for more information about how to apply.
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The Centre of Excellence in Agri-food Technology
PE12 7FJ