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BSc (Hons)
Banking and Finance
BSc (Hons)
Banking and Finance

Key Information


Brayford Pool

Typical Offer

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3-4 years




Brayford Pool

Typical Offer

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3-4 years



Academic Years

Course Overview

From the City of London to Singapore, Frankfurt to New York, the banking sector offers lucrative and rewarding careers for graduates with the skills and drive to succeed in a highly competitive global industry.

Lincoln's Banking and Finance degree is aimed at those who aspire to a career in range of industry roles including securities analyst, financial or investment manager, or as a private, commercial, or investment banker.

During this course, students are encouraged to explore how the economy works, how decisions are made, and how financial systems and capital markets operate in an international context.

Many academics teaching this programme possess a blend of research and practical expertise in the field of banking and finance, helping to ensure that students are well-prepared for a career in this industry.

Course Overview

From the City of London to Singapore, Frankfurt to New York, the banking sector offers lucrative and rewarding careers for graduates with the skills and drive to succeed in a highly competitive global industry.

Lincoln's Banking and Finance degree is aimed at those who aspire to a career in range of industry roles including securities analyst, financial or investment manager, or as a private, commercial, or investment banker.

During this course, students are encouraged to explore how the economy works, how decisions are made, and how financial systems and capital markets operate in an international context.

Many academics teaching this programme possess a blend of research and practical expertise in the field of banking and finance, helping to ensure that students are well-prepared for a career in this industry.

Why Choose Lincoln

Access to industry-standard Bloomberg Terminal

Hands-on experience during a work placement year

Real-world experience of the Stock Exchange

Key software including Stata, SAGE, SPSS, and

Staff with practical experience of banking and finance

Finance at Lincoln is ranked in the top 10 in the UK for academic support*

*National Student Survey 2024 (out of 91 ranking institutions)

YouTube video for Why Choose Lincoln

How You Study

Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of economic principles, accounting and finance, and business data analysis. They then progress to study more advanced financial and banking management.

The final year provides students with the flexibility to customise their degree to their specific interests, with a range of optional modules available.

How You Study

Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of economic principles, accounting and finance, and business data analysis. They then progress to study more advanced financial and banking management.

The final year provides students with the flexibility to customise their degree to their specific interests, with a range of optional modules available.

The support from tutors, lecturers, and the programme leader was unmatched. The programme equipped me with all of the necessary knowledge and skills to begin my career as a finance manager at Procter and Gamble.


Module Overview

This module aims to introduce students to the nature and mechanics of financial information. This is done in a manner which encourages a critical reflection upon the construction and uses of such information. Fundamental accounting concepts are considered and their application in the maintenance of the ledgers and preparation of financial statements. In particular, students can be introduced to the detail of double entry book keeping and the associated financial reports of sole traders, partnerships, limited companies (including those in a manufacturing environment) and simple not for profit organisations.

This is an accredited module which can improve students’ chances of gaining professional qualifications and hence improve chances of employability.

Module Overview

This module introduces students to the skills which will be required in the financial industry and those which will be developed as students progress to advanced levels of their studies. This is done in a manner which encourages a critical reflection upon the construction and uses of such information. Both management and financial accounting are considered.

The module aims to develop students' ability to produce and understand financial statements and the role of financial information for a variety of possible users and explore the different, often conflicting, needs of these groups. These skills are highly sought after by employers.

Module Overview

This module aims to provides the non-Economist with with an amalgam of economic theory and contemporary comment which prepares them for a further study in economics. There is a grounding in basic tools and concepts. It provides ideas about labour markets and market structure, the market, inflation and deflation, growth and stagnation, and balance of payment issues and exchange rates.

Module Overview

Statistics for Finance and Economics aims to develop an appreciation and understanding of the theoretical and practical issues in the application of statistical methods in business decision making. It supports students’ preparation for using econometrics software/ packages (Excel and Stata) that are essential for students who wish to pursue further studies or a professional career in economics, finance, or related fields.

Module Overview

Initiated from 2015 and officially founded in 2018, the LSMIF is set up with a structure similar to any other professionally run fund management company with students running every aspect of the fund, from CEO to analyst. It is one of only few of this kind in the United Kingdom.

The fund uses money raised from donors to invest in shares of companies listed on London Stock Exchange. It is organized, run and managed the same way as an investment company in the real world. The fund has got sponsorship and advisory support from UK leading wealth management companies such as Brewin Dolphin and Mattioli Woods with senior officers from them joining the Board of Advisors.

This fund gives students the opportunity to work as analysts, investment managers, CFO, CIO, CEO etc. Students also have the chances to meet, discuss and learn from experts in the field in Quarterly Investment Committee Meetings series. Students are given additional training relating to their works.

Module Overview

In the last couple of decades the banking industry was at the heart of dramatic changes, including deregulation, financial innovation and globalization. This module is designed to examine these developments and their effects on the banking sector. The module continues by providing students with the opportunity to analyse contemporary issues in banking that emerged as responses to these global developments. These issues include the provision of credit and in particular credit rationing, securitization of debt, and competition and mergers in the banking sector.

Module Overview

This module is designed to make students aware of international financial markets and institutions. The need for financial markets and institutions is the underlying scope of the module and students have the opportunity to investigate this importance for their own countries.

Module Overview

This module is designed to introduce the principles and methods for statistical and econometric modeling. It provides students with the opportunity to develop the fundamental skills of using econometrics software packages that are essential for students who wish to pursue further studies or a professional career in economics, finance or related disciplines. Real-world data can be used in this module to help students to develop problem-solving skills.

Module Overview

The purpose of the module is to familiarise and develop students’ awareness and ability to command the various initiatives and tools within finance. The focus will be the introduction of the regulatory environment and requirements to “practice”, which will enhance employability of students. Sections of the learning schedule are kept open to ensure that the module is teaching the most current issues in financial developments.

Technical skills are taught with the aid of computer data sources and constructs of coding, and financial mathematics, through programming software. Developments in financing methods and related articles will also be introduced and explored within sessions.

The module reinforces the importance of an ethical and professional approach, through the review and knowledge of codes of conduct and various external verification techniques and enforcement mechanisms. The module is designed to give students technical ability and relevant knowledge and skills of real-world developments in finance, which is useful from an employability perspective.

Module Overview

This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop knowledge of the gains to be made from trading internationally. It focuses also on the gains to be made from economic integration and the globalisation process. The module also seeks to examine the main patterns of trade and exchange and aims to demonstrate how free trade can be influenced by government and the future risks of protectionism.

Module Overview

This module provides an opportunity for students to extend their understanding of macroeconomics. It emphasises the role of macroeconomics as an applied discipline, focusing on issues facing the world’s economies featured in the Financial Times. By the end students are expected to be able to use the techniques learned to interpret changing macroeconomic aggregates, events and policies.

Module Overview

This module focuses upon the primary statement of roles which participants in the financial landscape provide. These roles are central to the idea of money and role which it plays in the modern landscape in terms of the flow of funds as a framework. The module aims to provide a brief introduction to the major participants; banks, pension funds, insurance companies and the management role of funds which they have.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to introduce the role of the financial manager and the impact of economic environment on financial management function. The module can help students to develop abilities to evaluate, interpret, and discuss key issues surrounding investment, financing, and working capital management decisions.

The module begins by considering the financial management function and environment before introducing the time value of money and discounted cash flow allowing students to develop investment appraisal and business valuation techniques. Business finance and capital structure theories will also be considered.

This is an accredited module which can improve students’ chances of gaining professional qualifications and hence improve chances of employability.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to introduce the role of the financial manager and the impact of economic environment on financial management function. The module helps students to develop abilities to evaluate, interpret and discuss key issues surrounding investment, financing, and working capital management decisions.

The module begins by considering the financial management function and environment before introducing the time value of money and discounted cash flow allowing students to develop investment appraisal and business valuation techniques. Business finance and capital structure theories will also be considered.

Module Overview

Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) believes that an option to study overseas is a valuable educational opportunity for our students.

The optional year is intended to:

- enable students to benefit from studying similar subjects within a cross cultural environment, by exposing students to a wider academic and cultural experience;

- facilitate reflexivity in learning and personal and professional development;

- enhance their future employment opportunities by increasing their cultural and professional mobility.

This module is optional for all taught on campus undergraduate students within Lincoln International Business School. Study Abroad is a year long module which enables students to spend time studying abroad at one of the University’s approved partner institutions.

During the year spent abroad, students share classes with local students and study on a suite of locally-delivered taught modules which have been approved in advance by the University. As many partner institutions support internships it is anticipated that some students will elect to combine study (minimum one semester equivalent) with work and or a period of volunteering.

Eligible students must have completed their second year of study to a satisfactory standard (normally with an average of a 2.1 or above, dependent upon partner requirements) standard and successfully completed the application process.

Upon completion of the study period abroad, each student will be required to submit a portfolio including a reflection on the experience of living and studying in a different cultural environment and the skills acquired.

Module Overview

The LSMIF will be designed to provide students with the essential knowledge on the following main knowledge blocks - at intermediate level for Year 2:

- How stock markets work and how to read financial data

- Valuation techniques including cash flow projections, dividend growth modelling, and comparative analysis.

- Market timing and technical analysis.

- Asset allocation optimization

- Quarterly investment committee meetings with experts from the industry.

- Investment discussion meetings.

Module Overview

This module is aimed at those students who have decided to take a year out of formal studies to gain accredited work experience and are registered on a degree programme with an accredited professional practice element. The Professional Practice Year aims to give students a continuous experience of full-time work within an organisation.

It should be a three way co-operative activity between employer, student and University from which all parties benefit. Students can choose to pursue a variety of options including a placement year, a consultancy project or a work-based dissertation. Potential costs relating to this module are outlined in the Features tab.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to equip students with the skills to review and analyse corporate actions, such as mergers and divestments, from a strategy and finance context. The focus in this module will be technical and calculation based, building on knowledge gained in previous modules.

Beyond these elements of finance, the module will also focus upon elements drawn from Financial Management in level 5, specifically considering how the prices of derivatives are estimated. A variety of models and wider applications will be reviewed, such as simulations and other computer-based techniques, with the intention of deriving solutions to firm-based problems.

Module Overview

Econometrics: Cross-sectional and Panel Data builds on Fundamentals of Econometrics and looks at further and advanced topics in econometric analysis. The module aims to further students' econometric modelling skills by using real-world empirical applications in the fields related to economics, finance, and rural and urban economics. The topics covered will reflect the development of contemporary applied econometrics. These topics include cross-sectional and panel data regression, instrumental variables regression, experiments and quasi-experiments, and discrete choice model.

Module Overview

Econometrics: Time Series Data seeks to provide an understanding of recent advances in econometrics for testing theories in economics and finance. It can provide technical skills necessary to pursue a wide range of empirical research in economics and finance and offer the opportunity to develop some advanced time series skills.

Module Overview

The aim of the module is to introduce students to the wide variety of investment categories which provide savings and investment structures for individuals. The content of the module addresses core financial needs of individuals, such as housing transactions [Mortgages, Equity withdrawal, etc.] and insurance products [not general insurance] that enable students to develop financial plans to solve individual client needs.

As well as product awareness, the module will review the super-structure and supporting institutions around individual financial services, with a view to enhance the support for ethical and robust financial services.

Module Overview

This module aims to:

- promote an understanding of the finances of the individual and the unincorporated business unit based on the latest Finance Act. - develop analytical skills which can be utilised in the assessment of business planning opportunities.

The module is designed to provide an overview of personal taxation including unincorporated business and the implementation of tax through the planning process. It is designed to give students the knowledge and skills to incorporate and assess the impact of tax in personal and business decisions. The unit will also examine in detail the practicalities of the UK Tax system on income and capital and examine ways in which exemptions and reliefs can be used to defer or minimise tax liabilities. The unit will be a blend of practical and theoretical analysis. It will employ the use of case studies and the preparation of computations as well as considering the conceptual underpinnings of taxation as a subject.

Module Overview

Private Banking and Wealth Management is a module targeted at students who wish to build upon their previous knowledge of financial markets and products by analysing and evaluating the core financial service of wealth management. The module aims to both broaden students’ knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry and further develop their intellectual and practical skills via the analysis and evaluation of the wealth management process.

Module Overview

The aim of the model is to introduce students to the higher-level aspects of financial risk management, and how to use the products which are available in the market to manage these variables.

The module covers wider economic concepts related to finance such as how a firm's organisational variables of risk and returns fit into the broader economy. The module then reviews the “final” aspects of a firm's corporate finance decisions, including that of the “distribution decision”, considering whether these are important or not, depending on the theoretical underpinnings. The final segment of the teaching and learning focuses upon how organisations should and can use various methodologies to mitigate the risks which they choose to expose themselves to. Students in this module are expected to demonstrate an ability to comprehend and use the tools.

This is an accredited module which can improve students’ chances of gaining professional qualifications and hence improve chances of employability.

Module Overview

The aim of the model is to introduce students to the higher-level aspects of financial risk management, and how to use the products which are available in the market to manage these variables.

The module covers wider economic concepts related to finance such as how a firm's organisational variables of risk and returns fit into the broader economy. The module then reviews the “final” aspects of a firm's corporate finance decisions, including that of the “distribution decision”, considering whether these are important or not, depending on the theoretical underpinnings. The final segment of the teaching and learning focuses upon how organisations should and can use various methodologies to mitigate the risks which they choose to expose themselves to. Students in this module are expected to demonstrate an ability to comprehend and use the tools.

Module Overview

This module aims to widen the concepts and motivations in understanding the economic activities of agents, and develops an appreciation of why these are different from standard/neo-classical economics.

The module draws on the recent research from the area of behavioural finance, biology and psychology to present a foundation, upon which to build a more critical understanding of the rational economics foundations. The module covers alternative modus operandi for economic interactions, such as Prospect Theory and other models.

The module investigates situations and the assumptions about behaviour which gives rise to certain behavioural biases, which constitute observable phenomena. These are then generalised to the “probable effects” on markets.

Module Overview

This module aims to provide an introduction to decision-making in different environments. After a short review of the rational choice paradigm, the module seeks to explore intertemporal decision problems and Expected Utility Theory (EUT). Building on EUT, students will apply their knowledge of game theory to develop different solutions to a strategic situation of their choice.

Module Overview

Students studying this module can explore the theories, knowledge, and financial tools that entrepreneurs need to start, build, and harvest a success venture. The module also outlines how and where successful entrepreneurs obtain financing.

Module Overview

Housing Economics is designed to complement other spatially oriented modules to provide an economic analysis of housing markets. It explores the nature of housing economics with an emphasis on regional and local house prices. The constraints on the first time buyer; consumption; and construction will feature. The module discusses various aspects of the ripple effect such as space, quality and vintage.

Module Overview

Initiated from 2015 and officially founded in 2018, the LSMIF is set up with a structure similar to any other professionally run fund management company with students running every aspect of the fund, from CEO to analyst. It is one of only few of this kind in the United Kingdom.

The fund uses money raised from donors to invest in shares of companies listed on London Stock Exchange. It is organized, run and managed the same way as an investment company in the real world. The fund has got sponsorship and advisory support from UK leading wealth management companies such as Brewin Dolphin and Mattioli Woods with senior officers from them joining the Board of Advisors.

This fund gives students the opportunity to work as analysts, investment managers, CFO, CIO, CEO etc. Students also have the chances to meet, discuss and learn from experts in the field in Quarterly Investment Committee Meetings series. Students are given additional training relating to their works.

† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.


Module Overview

This module aims to introduce students to the nature and mechanics of financial information. This is done in a manner which encourages a critical reflection upon the construction and uses of such information. Fundamental accounting concepts are considered and their application in the maintenance of the ledgers and preparation of financial statements. In particular, students can be introduced to the detail of double entry book keeping and the associated financial reports of sole traders, partnerships, limited companies (including those in a manufacturing environment) and simple not for profit organisations.

This is an accredited module which can improve students’ chances of gaining professional qualifications and hence improve chances of employability.

Module Overview

This module introduces students to the skills which will be required in the financial industry and those which will be developed as students progress to advanced levels of their studies. This is done in a manner which encourages a critical reflection upon the construction and uses of such information. Both management and financial accounting are considered.

The module aims to develop students' ability to produce and understand financial statements and the role of financial information for a variety of possible users and explore the different, often conflicting, needs of these groups. These skills are highly sought after by employers.

Module Overview

This module is intended for students who are interested in understanding the way people work, as individuals and as group members in firms. The module explores essential topics in a clear, concise and informative manner, aiming to introduce students to the interpersonal perceptual processes in a work environment; the key behavioural factors determining effective and ineffective groups; the usefulness of theories on leadership/management styles; and the difficulties in implementing change in organisations.

Module Overview

This module aims to provides the non-Economist with with an amalgam of economic theory and contemporary comment which prepares them for a further study in economics. There is a grounding in basic tools and concepts. It provides ideas about labour markets and market structure, the market, inflation and deflation, growth and stagnation, and balance of payment issues and exchange rates.

Module Overview

This module introduces marketing theory and practice, covering key concepts, terms, and issues in both specific business contexts and the broader social landscape. It emphasises analysing the business environment, focusing on the marketing mix and both micro and macro elements, while developing an understanding of the consumer's role in this process. Additionally, the module explores different types of marketing, such as sustainable, ethical, and social marketing, and their evolution in the current marketing area. Students will also benefit from examining specific case studies and reflecting on their own brand selection for assessment. Furthermore, they will develop important skills like creativity, cognitive flexibility, and emotional intelligence, essential for success in the future workforce.

Module Overview

Statistics for Finance and Economics aims to develop an appreciation and understanding of the theoretical and practical issues in the application of statistical methods in business decision making. It supports students’ preparation for using econometrics software/ packages (Excel and Stata) that are essential for students who wish to pursue further studies or a professional career in economics, finance, or related fields.

Module Overview

Initiated from 2015 and officially founded in 2018, the LSMIF is set up with a structure similar to any other professionally run fund management company with students running every aspect of the fund, from CEO to analyst. It is one of only few of this kind in the United Kingdom.

The fund uses money raised from donors to invest in shares of companies listed on London Stock Exchange. It is organized, run and managed the same way as an investment company in the real world. The fund has got sponsorship and advisory support from UK leading wealth management companies such as Brewin Dolphin and Mattioli Woods with senior officers from them joining the Board of Advisors.

This fund gives students the opportunity to work as analysts, investment managers, CFO, CIO, CEO etc. Students also have the chances to meet, discuss and learn from experts in the field in Quarterly Investment Committee Meetings series. Students are given additional training relating to their works.

Module Overview

In the last couple of decades the banking industry was at the heart of dramatic changes, including deregulation, financial innovation and globalization. This module is designed to examine these developments and their effects on the banking sector. The module continues by providing students with the opportunity to analyse contemporary issues in banking that emerged as responses to these global developments. These issues include the provision of credit and in particular credit rationing, securitization of debt, and competition and mergers in the banking sector.

Module Overview

This module is designed to make students aware of international financial markets and institutions. The need for financial markets and institutions is the underlying scope of the module and students have the opportunity to investigate this importance for their own countries.

Module Overview

This module is designed to introduce the principles and methods for statistical and econometric modeling. It provides students with the opportunity to develop the fundamental skills of using econometrics software packages that are essential for students who wish to pursue further studies or a professional career in economics, finance or related disciplines. Real-world data can be used in this module to help students to develop problem-solving skills.

Module Overview

The purpose of the module is to familiarise and develop students’ awareness and ability to command the various initiatives and tools within finance. The focus will be the introduction of the regulatory environment and requirements to “practice”, which will enhance employability of students. Sections of the learning schedule are kept open to ensure that the module is teaching the most current issues in financial developments.

Technical skills are taught with the aid of computer data sources and constructs of coding, and financial mathematics, through programming software. Developments in financing methods and related articles will also be introduced and explored within sessions.

The module reinforces the importance of an ethical and professional approach, through the review and knowledge of codes of conduct and various external verification techniques and enforcement mechanisms. The module is designed to give students technical ability and relevant knowledge and skills of real-world developments in finance, which is useful from an employability perspective.

Module Overview

This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop knowledge of the gains to be made from trading internationally. It focuses also on the gains to be made from economic integration and the globalisation process. The module also seeks to examine the main patterns of trade and exchange and aims to demonstrate how free trade can be influenced by government and the future risks of protectionism.

Module Overview

This module provides an opportunity for students to extend their understanding of macroeconomics. It emphasises the role of macroeconomics as an applied discipline, focusing on issues facing the world’s economies featured in the Financial Times. By the end students are expected to be able to use the techniques learned to interpret changing macroeconomic aggregates, events and policies.

Module Overview

This module focuses upon the primary statement of roles which participants in the financial landscape provide. These roles are central to the idea of money and role which it plays in the modern landscape in terms of the flow of funds as a framework. The module aims to provide a brief introduction to the major participants; banks, pension funds, insurance companies and the management role of funds which they have.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to introduce the role of the financial manager and the impact of economic environment on financial management function. The module can help students to develop abilities to evaluate, interpret, and discuss key issues surrounding investment, financing, and working capital management decisions.

The module begins by considering the financial management function and environment before introducing the time value of money and discounted cash flow allowing students to develop investment appraisal and business valuation techniques. Business finance and capital structure theories will also be considered.

As an accredited module, this can help improve your employability.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to introduce the role of the financial manager and the impact of economic environment on financial management function. The module helps students to develop abilities to evaluate, interpret and discuss key issues surrounding investment, financing, and working capital management decisions.

The module begins by considering the financial management function and environment before introducing the time value of money and discounted cash flow allowing students to develop investment appraisal and business valuation techniques. Business finance and capital structure theories will also be considered.

Module Overview

Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) believes that an option to study overseas is a valuable educational opportunity for our students.

The optional year is intended to:

- enable students to benefit from studying similar subjects within a cross cultural environment, by exposing students to a wider academic and cultural experience;

- facilitate reflexivity in learning and personal and professional development;

- enhance their future employment opportunities by increasing their cultural and professional mobility.

This module is optional for all taught on campus undergraduate students within Lincoln International Business School. Study Abroad is a year long module which enables students to spend time studying abroad at one of the University’s approved partner institutions.

During the year spent abroad, students share classes with local students and study on a suite of locally-delivered taught modules which have been approved in advance by the University. As many partner institutions support internships it is anticipated that some students will elect to combine study (minimum one semester equivalent) with work and or a period of volunteering.

Eligible students must have completed their second year of study to a satisfactory standard (normally with an average of a 2.1 or above, dependent upon partner requirements) standard and successfully completed the application process.

Upon completion of the study period abroad, each student will be required to submit a portfolio including a reflection on the experience of living and studying in a different cultural environment and the skills acquired.

Module Overview

The LSMIF will be designed to provide students with the essential knowledge on the following main knowledge blocks - at intermediate level for Year 2:

- How stock markets work and how to read financial data

- Valuation techniques including cash flow projections, dividend growth modelling, and comparative analysis.

- Market timing and technical analysis.

- Asset allocation optimization

- Quarterly investment committee meetings with experts from the industry.

- Investment discussion meetings.

Module Overview

This module is aimed at those students who have decided to take a year out of formal studies to gain accredited work experience and are registered on a degree programme with an accredited professional practice element. The Professional Practice Year aims to give students a continuous experience of full-time work within an organisation.

It should be a three way co-operative activity between employer, student and University from which all parties benefit. Students can choose to pursue a variety of options including a placement year, a consultancy project or a work-based dissertation. Potential costs relating to this module are outlined in the Features tab.

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to equip students with the skills to review and analyse corporate actions, such as mergers and divestments, from a strategy and finance context. The focus in this module will be technical and calculation based, building on knowledge gained in previous modules.

Beyond these elements of finance, the module will also focus upon elements drawn from Financial Management in level 5, specifically considering how the prices of derivatives are estimated. A variety of models and wider applications will be reviewed, such as simulations and other computer-based techniques, with the intention of deriving solutions to firm-based problems.

Module Overview

Econometrics: Cross-sectional and Panel Data builds on Fundamentals of Econometrics and looks at further and advanced topics in econometric analysis. The module aims to further students' econometric modelling skills by using real-world empirical applications in the fields related to economics, finance, and rural and urban economics. The topics covered will reflect the development of contemporary applied econometrics. These topics include cross-sectional and panel data regression, instrumental variables regression, experiments and quasi-experiments, and discrete choice model.

Module Overview

Econometrics: Time Series Data seeks to provide an understanding of recent advances in econometrics for testing theories in economics and finance. It can provide technical skills necessary to pursue a wide range of empirical research in economics and finance and offer the opportunity to develop some advanced time series skills.

Module Overview

The aim of the module is to introduce students to the wide variety of investment categories which provide savings and investment structures for individuals. The content of the module addresses core financial needs of individuals, such as housing transactions [Mortgages, Equity withdrawal, etc.] and insurance products [not general insurance] that enable students to develop financial plans to solve individual client needs.

As well as product awareness, the module will review the super-structure and supporting institutions around individual financial services, with a view to enhance the support for ethical and robust financial services.

Module Overview

This module aims to:

- promote an understanding of the finances of the individual and the unincorporated business unit based on the latest Finance Act. - develop analytical skills which can be utilised in the assessment of business planning opportunities.

The module is designed to provide an overview of personal taxation including unincorporated business and the implementation of tax through the planning process. It is designed to give students the knowledge and skills to incorporate and assess the impact of tax in personal and business decisions. The unit will also examine in detail the practicalities of the UK Tax system on income and capital and examine ways in which exemptions and reliefs can be used to defer or minimise tax liabilities. The unit will be a blend of practical and theoretical analysis. It will employ the use of case studies and the preparation of computations as well as considering the conceptual underpinnings of taxation as a subject.

Module Overview

Private Banking and Wealth Management is a module targeted at students who wish to build upon their previous knowledge of financial markets and products by analysing and evaluating the core financial service of wealth management. The module aims to both broaden students’ knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry and further develop their intellectual and practical skills via the analysis and evaluation of the wealth management process.

Module Overview

The aim of the model is to introduce students to the higher-level aspects of financial risk management, and how to use the products which are available in the market to manage these variables.

The module covers wider economic concepts related to finance such as how a firm's organisational variables of risk and returns fit into the broader economy. The module then reviews the “final” aspects of a firm's corporate finance decisions, including that of the “distribution decision”, considering whether these are important or not, depending on the theoretical underpinnings. The final segment of the teaching and learning focuses upon how organisations should and can use various methodologies to mitigate the risks which they choose to expose themselves to. Students in this module are expected to demonstrate an ability to comprehend and use the tools.

As an accredited module, this can help enhance your employability.

Module Overview

The aim of the model is to introduce students to the higher-level aspects of financial risk management, and how to use the products which are available in the market to manage these variables.

The module covers wider economic concepts related to finance such as how a firm's organisational variables of risk and returns fit into the broader economy. The module then reviews the “final” aspects of a firm's corporate finance decisions, including that of the “distribution decision”, considering whether these are important or not, depending on the theoretical underpinnings. The final segment of the teaching and learning focuses upon how organisations should and can use various methodologies to mitigate the risks which they choose to expose themselves to. Students in this module are expected to demonstrate an ability to comprehend and use the tools.

Module Overview

This module aims to widen the concepts and motivations in understanding the economic activities of agents, and develops an appreciation of why these are different from standard/neo-classical economics.

The module draws on the recent research from the area of behavioural finance, biology and psychology to present a foundation, upon which to build a more critical understanding of the rational economics foundations. The module covers alternative modus operandi for economic interactions, such as Prospect Theory and other models.

The module investigates situations and the assumptions about behaviour which gives rise to certain behavioural biases, which constitute observable phenomena. These are then generalised to the “probable effects” on markets.

Module Overview

This module aims to provide an introduction to decision-making in different environments. After a short review of the rational choice paradigm, the module seeks to explore intertemporal decision problems and Expected Utility Theory (EUT). Building on EUT, students will apply their knowledge of game theory to develop different solutions to a strategic situation of their choice.

Module Overview

Students studying this module can explore the theories, knowledge, and financial tools that entrepreneurs need to start, build, and harvest a success venture. The module also outlines how and where successful entrepreneurs obtain financing.

Module Overview

Housing Economics is designed to complement other spatially oriented modules to provide an economic analysis of housing markets. It explores the nature of housing economics with an emphasis on regional and local house prices. The constraints on the first time buyer; consumption; and construction will feature. The module discusses various aspects of the ripple effect such as space, quality and vintage.

Module Overview

Initiated from 2015 and officially founded in 2018, the LSMIF is set up with a structure similar to any other professionally run fund management company with students running every aspect of the fund, from CEO to analyst. It is one of only few of this kind in the United Kingdom.

The fund uses money raised from donors to invest in shares of companies listed on London Stock Exchange. It is organized, run and managed the same way as an investment company in the real world. The fund has got sponsorship and advisory support from UK leading wealth management companies such as Brewin Dolphin and Mattioli Woods with senior officers from them joining the Board of Advisors.

This fund gives students the opportunity to work as analysts, investment managers, CFO, CIO, CEO etc. Students also have the chances to meet, discuss and learn from experts in the field in Quarterly Investment Committee Meetings series. Students are given additional training relating to their works.

† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, and contact hours.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, and contact hours.

How you are assessed

The way in which you will be assessed may include coursework, written and practical exams, portfolio development, group work, or presentations.

The University of Lincoln aims to ensure that staff return in-course assessments to students promptly.

How you are assessed

The way in which you will be assessed may include coursework, written and practical exams, portfolio development, group work, or presentations.

The University of Lincoln aims to ensure that staff return in-course assessments to students promptly.

Work Placement Year

Full-time students have the option of a year-long professional practice placement after the second year, providing real-world experience. A Placement Year Fee is payable to the University of Lincoln during this year for students joining in 2025/26 and beyond. Students are expected to cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs. 

International Study Year

An optional year abroad is available for full-time students between the second and third years. A Study Abroad Tuition Fee is payable to the University of Lincoln during this year for students joining in 2025/26 and beyond. No extra tuition fee is payable to the host university, but students are expected to cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs. Travel grants and an overseas rate maintenance loan may be available for eligible students from Student Finance. The University’s Global Opportunities Team can provide further support and guidance.   

Guest Lectures

To help give our students insight into industry and prepare them for their future careers, we host a number of guest lectures across the programme. Previous lectures have been delivered by guests from companies such as, J.P. Morgan, Volkswagen, Curve, Handelsbanken, and Natwest Group London, and covered topics such as placements in finance, private banking and wealth, and graduate careers in banking.

Bloomberg Terminal

Students can use our Bloomberg Terminal, which is designed to help industry professionals make better-informed investment decisions by offering the latest market news along with historical data and an international network to communicate securely and reliably. Bloomberg offers a practical resource for students to reinforce the theories they learn in lectures, and enable them to become familiar with the tools used by today’s financial services professionals.

An academic working with a student in the Bloomberg lab

Student Managed Investment Fund

Lincoln International Business School offers the Student Managed Investment Fund (LSMIF), which is an investment fund created, operated, and maintained by students within the school, with everything running within the real-world environment of finance.

One of only a handful of its kind in the UK, students will be managing real money with the objective of making positive returns while managing risk. Industry veteran and long-time lecturer Hao Quach can help support the students throughout, utilising his years of experience in all aspects of investment banking and 20 years teaching in many countries.

Trading Simulation Event

Students on the programme are given the opportunity to practise real-life trading at a simulation event. During the event, delivered in partnership with Amplify Trading, you get the chance to understand and experience different roles and practices within the trading sector, such as buyers, investors, asset managers, and hedge funds.

The course gave me a well-rounded skill set to enter the real world of finance, including skills in financial modelling, valuation techniques, financial planning, corporate finance, econometrics, and banking.

What Can I Do with a Banking and Finance Degree?

A Banking and Finance degree can be a pathway to senior management positions in the private, public, and commercial sectors. Graduates may choose to pursue a career in financial management, stock brokerage and trading, investment management, commercial banking, private banking, wealth management, or investment banking. Our alumni have gone on to work at prestigious financial institutions and corporations such as J.P. Morgan, PwC, St. James's Palace, Mazars, de Vere and partners, P and G, and Mondelēz International.

Working in Partnership

Lincoln International Business School works with students and organisations to enhance the contribution of business to society. For students, that means developing their business skills and knowledge to improve their career readiness.The University of Lincoln is a member of AACSB, a global nonprofit association connecting educators, students, and businesses to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders.

AACSB logo

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent level 3 qualifications.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit .

T Level: Merit

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points.

International Baccalaureate: 28 points overall.

GCSE's: Minimum of three to include a grade 6 in Maths, a 4 in English and one further GCSE graded at 4 or above. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We may also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page:

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

The University of Lincoln's International College also offers university preparation courses for international students who do not meet the direct entry requirements. Upon successful completion, students can progress to Bachelor's study at the University of Lincoln. Please visit for more information.

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages. If you are applying to a course that has any subject specific requirements, these will still need to be achieved as part of the standard entry criteria.

Entry Requirements 2026-27

United Kingdom

96 to 104 UCAS Tariff points.

This must be achieved from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent Level 3 qualifications. For example:

A Level: CCC to BCC

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction Merit Merit

T Level: Merit Overall

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 96 to 104 UCAS points to be achieved from 45 Level 3 credits.

International Baccalaureate: 28 points overall.

GCSE's: Minimum of three at grade 4 or above, which must include English and a Grade 6 in Maths . Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

We may also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages. If you are applying to a course that has any subject specific requirements, these will still need to be achieved as part of the standard entry criteria.

Find out More by Visiting Us

The best way to find out what it is really like to live and learn at Lincoln is to visit us in person. We offer a range of opportunities across the year to help you to get a real feel for what it might be like to study here.

Three students walking together on campus in the sunshine
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.