Level 6 Food and Drink Advanced Engineer

Introduction to the Apprenticeship
The food industry is one of the largest, most dynamic, and fastest growing sectors of industry. Every day, producers, food manufacturers, and retailers make and sell millions of innovative food products such as drinks, cakes, biscuits, ready to eat and ready to cook food, sandwiches, wraps, fresh fruit, and salads to consumers in the UK and around the world.
Food and Drink Advanced Engineers combine engineering competence with an understanding of the principles of food safety, science, and technology, and then focus on designing and developing efficient, effective, and high-performance production processes and systems which are safe to operate and environmentally sustainable, many of which are specific to the industry. They use advanced production and processing techniques and project management skills to deliver new projects on time, to budget, and at the required quality.
There are many Engineering roles that are suitable for this degree programme including Factory Engineering Manager, Process Engineering Manager, Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Group Engineering Manager, Reliability Manager, and Project Engineering Manager. Food and Drink Advanced Engineers have core knowledge, skills, and behaviours and the degree and standard allow for specialism pathways and specialist knowledge and skills in either mechanical, automation, or production engineering.
Food and Drink Advanced Engineers have roles across food and drink organisations including in infrastructure, asset care, production management, and process development. They work closely with a range of other engineers, functions, and managers in their own company whilst also interacting with external equipment and ingredient providers. They contribute to business strategy and performance as leaders of teams.
Apprenticeship Standard
For more information about the Level 6 Advanced Food and Drink Engineer apprenticeship standard, please visit:
Degree Modules
The standard supports those working towards or currently managing engineering teams or engineering projects that are achieving business or departmental goals and objectives as part of their organisation’s overarching strategy. They may be accountable to a more senior manager or a business owner.
Modules studies include :
- Food Components and Materials for Food Engineers
- CAD and Technical Drawing
- Engineering Mechanics
- Introduction to Robotics
- Electrical and Electronic Technology
- Health and Safety, Energy, and the Environment
- Food Factory Design
- Food Packaging Systems and Machinery
- Food Process Engineering
- Industrial Continuous Improvement
- Applied Thermofluids
- Mechatronics
- Engineering Management and Lean Manufacturing Practices
- Food Production, Process, and Technologies
- Robotics and Automation
- Advanced Food and Drink Engineer End Point Assessment Project
- Options depending on Pathway include:
- Solid Body Mechanics
- Dynamics and Vibrations
- Analogue Electronics
- Digital Systems and Microprocessors
- Advanced Application of Automation to the Food Industry
- Advanced Mechanical Food Systems
- Food Production and Operations Management
Apprenticeship End Point Assessment
Apprentices typically spend 4 years on-programme working towards the occupational standard and meet all the off-the-job requirements for an apprenticeship before the Gateway to End Point Assessment.
The EPA period should only start once the employer is satisfied that the apprentice is deemed to be consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational standard. Apprentices without English and mathematics at level 2 must achieve level 2 prior to taking their EPA. The EPA must be completed within an EPA period lasting typically 12 months, the EPA consists of 2 distinct assessment methods and will count towards the overall degree classification:
- Work based Project, consisting of report & presentation with questioning
- Technical Interview, underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
For more information on the EPA, please visit:
Contact us for more information about how to apply: ncfm@lincoln.ac.uk or 01406 493000
Contact Us
The Centre of Excellence in Agri-food Technology
PE12 7FJ