Research with Lincoln International Business School

Developing Knowledge for Business Success
At Lincoln International Business School, our aim is to deliver excellent research which benefits businesses and policy-makers while at the same time deepening understanding and contributing to our teaching. To do so we engage actively with a wide array of collaborative partners drawn from other universities, business, non-profit, government and non-government organisations across the world.
Our research engagement and collaboration is both local and global. Locally we work with partners here in Lincolnshire including Lincolnshire County Council, local businesses and community organisations. However, we are also conducting research in other countries or with international partners, from Columbia to China, Australia to Canada.

PhD Study at LIBS
Lincoln Business School is committed to research that has practical value and actively engages with a range of organisations. We welcome applications from those wishing to pursue research study at the Lincoln International Business School.
Lincoln International Business School Research Groups
Our research is organised primarily around six research groups which draw together staff from across disciplinary boundaries within the School.

Community Organisation Research Group
Researching community organisation, self-organisation and development within Third Sector organisations, multi-agency networks and community groups.

Marketing Research Group
The Marketing Research Group (MaRG) collates and develops the research calibre of a group of colleagues, both early career and well established, who are contributing to a wide range of marketing-related studies. These include marketing strategies, consumption, consumer culture, consumer behaviour, communications, advertising, digital and social media, brand management, entrepreneurial marketing and consumer technology.

Regional Innovation and Enterprise Research Group
The Regional Innovation and Enterprise Research Group has a growing track record of social and economic development research.

Responsible Management Research Group
Undertaking research which contributes new knowledge in order to help business benefit economies and societies everywhere.

Visitor Economy Research Group
The Visitor Economy Research Group (VERG) concentrates on projects in the areas of tourism, events and leisure.

Lincoln Economics, Accountancy, and Finance Research Group
LEAF facilitate the creation and diffusion of rigorous and policy relevant research as well as research skills within the university, the local community, and the society at large.