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Research Projects

Research Projects

CCRG member are involved in a wide range of internally and externally funded research projects, spanning a wide range of discipline and research themes.

Active projects

Project Name Project Period Project Description Project Website/Grant Number
Using palaeoecological off-grid genomics to understand the effects of wildfire on aquatic ecosystem state and resilience  2023-2025  Royal Society Research Grant exploring the use of off-grid genomics on sediment core material to understand the impacts of wildfire on aquatic ecosystems and resilience  RG\R2\232075 
SoilSalAdapt: Preadapting soil biology for increased tolerance to elevated salinities due to climate change  2022-2025  BBSRC funded EJP Soils programme, Project explores whether brackish water irrigation of high value crops  in saline and coastal areas drives adaptation in soil microbiomes.  BB/X002969/1  
REST-COAST: Large Scale RESToration Of COASTal Ecosystems: Rivers To Sea Connectivity  2021 - 2026  Large European consortium project (H2020) with 37 European partners (11 countries) on facilitating the large-scale restoration of coastal ecosystems.  Visit Here
Assessment of the extent of peatlands at 10 sites in the East of England  2022-2025  Project is funded by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, Fens East Peat Partnership delivering training and analysis of peat extent in the East Midlands. N/A  
Wildfire impacts on freshwater ecosystems in Canada  2023-2024  British Ecological Society Small Research Grant on the long-term impacts of wildfire impacts on freshwater ecosystems in Canada   SR23\1032 
Deciphering the origin and geometry of freshwater tufa barrages. From process understanding to sustainable management  2022-2023  NERC-Exploring the Frontiers project is exploring the use tufa barrages to improve flood risk management using tufa deposits from Lincolnshire and their geometry NE/X012042/1 
Capacity of unmanaged realignments to (re-)create coastal habitats and ecosystem services  2021 - 2022   Project funded by Natural England to investigate the value of an accidentally realigned area with regards to biodiversity and carbon burial.   N/A  

Past Projects

Project Name Project Period Project Description Project Website/Grant Number
SalFar (Saline Farming) 2017-2022 EU Interreg project exploring options for growers in coastal areas at risk of salinisation. Visit Here
A palaeoecological perspective on the ecological implications of seawall removal at Gibraltar Point, UK  2020-2021  Funded by the Quaternary Research Association (QRA) to determined the palaeoecological history on either side of the embankment, and the ecological effects saltwater inundation will have on the freshwater marsh.  N/A  
Habitat and Geomorphological development of Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire  2020-2021  Partnership with Natural England to understand how Gibraltar Point salt marsh system has evolved in relation to several forcing factors, principally predicted sea level rise.  N/A  
A Long-term Perspective On Barrier-marsh Interactions  2019-2020   Funded by the British Society for Geomorphology for implementation of Surface Elevation Table at Gibraltar Point.   N/A