Research Projects

Research Projects
CCRG member are involved in a wide range of internally and externally funded research projects, spanning a wide range of discipline and research themes.
Active projects
Project Name | Project Period | Project Description | Project Website/Grant Number |
Using palaeoecological off-grid genomics to understand the effects of wildfire on aquatic ecosystem state and resilience | 2023-2025 | Royal Society Research Grant exploring the use of off-grid genomics on sediment core material to understand the impacts of wildfire on aquatic ecosystems and resilience | RG\R2\232075 |
SoilSalAdapt: Preadapting soil biology for increased tolerance to elevated salinities due to climate change | 2022-2025 | BBSRC funded EJP Soils programme, Project explores whether brackish water irrigation of high value crops in saline and coastal areas drives adaptation in soil microbiomes. | BB/X002969/1 |
REST-COAST: Large Scale RESToration Of COASTal Ecosystems: Rivers To Sea Connectivity | 2021 - 2026 | Large European consortium project (H2020) with 37 European partners (11 countries) on facilitating the large-scale restoration of coastal ecosystems. | Visit Here |
Assessment of the extent of peatlands at 10 sites in the East of England | 2022-2025 | Project is funded by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, Fens East Peat Partnership delivering training and analysis of peat extent in the East Midlands. | N/A |
Wildfire impacts on freshwater ecosystems in Canada | 2023-2024 | British Ecological Society Small Research Grant on the long-term impacts of wildfire impacts on freshwater ecosystems in Canada | SR23\1032 |
Deciphering the origin and geometry of freshwater tufa barrages. From process understanding to sustainable management | 2022-2023 | NERC-Exploring the Frontiers project is exploring the use tufa barrages to improve flood risk management using tufa deposits from Lincolnshire and their geometry | NE/X012042/1 |
Capacity of unmanaged realignments to (re-)create coastal habitats and ecosystem services | 2021 - 2022 | Project funded by Natural England to investigate the value of an accidentally realigned area with regards to biodiversity and carbon burial. | N/A |
Past Projects
Project Name | Project Period | Project Description | Project Website/Grant Number |
SalFar (Saline Farming) | 2017-2022 | EU Interreg project exploring options for growers in coastal areas at risk of salinisation. | Visit Here |
A palaeoecological perspective on the ecological implications of seawall removal at Gibraltar Point, UK | 2020-2021 | Funded by the Quaternary Research Association (QRA) to determined the palaeoecological history on either side of the embankment, and the ecological effects saltwater inundation will have on the freshwater marsh. | N/A |
Habitat and Geomorphological development of Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire | 2020-2021 | Partnership with Natural England to understand how Gibraltar Point salt marsh system has evolved in relation to several forcing factors, principally predicted sea level rise. | N/A |
A Long-term Perspective On Barrier-marsh Interactions | 2019-2020 | Funded by the British Society for Geomorphology for implementation of Surface Elevation Table at Gibraltar Point. | N/A |