Lincoln Climate Research Group

Lincoln Climate Research Group (LCRG)
Through our wide-ranging and transdisciplinary research into climate science, impacts and policy, the Lincoln Climate Research Group directly address the following key themes:
“Sustainability: Tackling climate change and reversing environmental degradation are among the most important tasks facing the world in the 21st century. University of Lincoln researchers are developing innovative solutions to the challenge of sustainability through inter-disciplinary research in key areas, including climate science, impacts, adaptation, policy and governance.
The University has declared a climate emergency and is working with partners locally and globally on a range of short- and longer-term interventions to safeguard the future of our planet.”
LCRG addresses the physical, social, environmental and political causes and drivers of climate variations over a range of temporal and spatial scales in the Global North and Global South. The interdisciplinary nature of this research group also feeds into other key themes within the University, such as “Rurality” (e.g. through climate impacts on agricultural production) and “Communities” (e.g. through climate-change impacts of and adaptation to floods and droughts, migration and cities).
Members of the School’s Climate research group have key roles in the newly formed Lincoln Climate Commission, whose mission is to harness the collective energy, vision and ambition of key stakeholders across Lincoln and Lincolnshire to deliver a step-change in its response to the climate emergency. For example, they have invited members of the Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Water Management Partnership steering committee, providing advice on flood resilience for Lincoln City Council and East Lindsey District and Boston Borough Councils.
The Lincoln Climate Research Group capitalises on our existing specialist research strengths in climate science, impacts, governance, and policy. It is a very timely initiative in view of our close involvement in and co-founding of the Lincoln Climate Commission.
NERC grant NE/V001787/1 “Northwest European seasonal weather prediction from complex systems modelling” £650,000 to Professor Edward Hanna.
British Academy and BEIS “A New Civil Politics of Climate Change? An examination of contemporary climate communication, actions and policies in the UK” £10,000 awarded to Dr Andrew Kythreotis.
Natural England to investigate “Habitat and Geomorphological development of Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire” awarded to Dr Mark Schuerch.
NERC, National Environmental Isotope Facility (NEIF # 2229.0320) funding on ‘Disentangling Southern Hemisphere climate and environmental interactions of the late Pleistocene’ to Dr. Kristen Beck and collaborators.
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (New Zealand) Endeavour Fund award to Professor Mark Macklin for “Smarter Targeting of Erosion” $750,000 (New Zealand Dollars).
NERC grant NE/W005875/1 "Causes and impacts of Greenland atmospheric Blocking Changes" £643,993 to Professor Edward Hanna.
1. Recognise, support, and develop areas of research excellence in climate science, impacts and policy, building on our existing national and international track record with high-quality research outputs and significant external income.
2. Hold active (generally monthly) research discussion meetings and seminars.
3. Encourage collaborative research in the fields of climate science, impacts and policy/governance.
4. Strengthen bids for external research funding and demonstrate a proven and ongoing record of successful bidding, effectively building on our recent grant successes (e.g. British Academy, NERC, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (New Zealand) Endeavour Fund).
5. Support the implementation of research delivery as set out by the Strategic Plan and in line with University, College and School research ambitions.
6. Support both emerging and established individual researchers, as well as research students, e.g. through peer review of draft papers and research funding proposals.
7. Provide a coherent picture of research excellence to the wider external research community and the public.
8. Present a well structured and up-to-date website to showcase the Group's work.
9. Cultivate and encourage research-based engagement, impact, and knowledge exchange activities in the fields of climate science, impacts and policy.
10. Actively strengthen the University's community of research postgraduate students and postdoctoral research associates.
11. Work to strengthen the links between research and teaching activities in the fields of climate science, impacts, and policy.
Our Research

The New Civil Politics of Climate Change
Find out more about our research which aims to identify, and account for, some key elements of a ‘new civil politics’ of climate change emerging at local and national scales across the UK.

Rivers of Civilisation
Find out more about our involvement in investigating the impact of Holocene and historical climate change on floodwater farming in dryland rivers in the Desert Nile, Sudan and the Aral Sea basin, Kazakhstan.

Seasonal Weather Prediction
Find out how our research is working towards solving the limitations of weather forecasting and the benefits this could provide to society.

The Greenland Ice Sheet and Global Warming
Find out more about our research that aims to help inform estimates of climate-cryosphere sensitivity and global sea-level rise.

Impacts on Coastal Wetlands
Find out more how we use field observations and modelling to estimate the impact of climate change, and more specifically global sea level rise and changes in global storm climates, on coastal wetlands.

Ecosystem-based Coastal Adaptation
Find out more about our use of field data and numerical modelling to study the restoration of previously lost coastal wetlands in order to help develop sustainable coastal management plans.

Past Climate Trends and Impacts
Find out more about how within our research we explore past climatic change using reconstructions for natural archives and documentary records.

Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Flood Events
Find out more about our involvement in research which aims to better understand the relationship between extreme flood events and the North Atlantic Oscillation (UK) and El Niño Southern Oscillation (NZ).

Arctic Mid-latitude Climate and Weather Linkages
Find out how we are engaged with international researchers in order to establish the links between Arctic Amplification and mid-latitude weather and its impact on extreme weather events.

Climate Change Education
Find out more how our study uses educational games in a new approach to climate change education.

Group Members and Expertise
A list of key personnel and expertise of the Lincoln Climate Research Group at the University of Lincoln.

Featured Publications
View a list of selected recent publications produced by members of the Lincoln Climate Research Group.
Contact Us
School of Geography, College of Health and Science
University of Lincoln, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7DW
Tel: +44(0)1522 835820