The New Civil Politics of Climate Change
The New Civil Politics of Climate Change
Dr Andrew Kythreotis is Principal Investigator on a British Academy and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy grant (SRG19\190291) (with Prof. Andrew Jonas (University of Hull) and Dr Candice Howarth (London School of Economics)) examining whether, and in what form, a new ‘civil politics’ of climate change is emerging from recent populist climate events in the UK and around the world. These events include school climate strikes and declarations of a climate emergency, which in the context of uncertainty surrounding Brexit have generated new social, political and economic pressures within the UK state, yet have arguably created the societal conditions needed to catalyse increased citizen action on climate change. The aim of the research is to identify, and account for, some key elements of a ‘new civil politics’ of climate change emerging at local and national scales across the UK. Also see Governing Climate Change blogs.
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