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Featured Publications 


Prof Edward Hanna:

Delhasse, A, E. Hanna, C. Kittel, X. Fettweis (2021) Brief communication: CMIP6 does not suggest any atmospheric blocking increase in summer over Greenland by 2100. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.6977.

Hall, R, E. Hanna, L. Chen (2021) Winter Arctic Amplification at the synoptic timescale, 1979-2018, its regional variation and response to tropical and extratropical variability. Climate Dynamics,

Hall, R.J., H. Wei, E. Hanna (2019) Complex systems modelling for statistical forecasting of winter North Atlantic atmospheric variability: a new approach. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145, 2568-2585.

Hanna, E., J. Cappelen, X. Fettweis, S.H. Mernild, T.L. Mote, R. Mottram, K. Steffen, T.J. Ballinger, R.J. Hall (2021) Greenland surface air temperature changes from 1981 to 2019 and implications for ice-sheet melt and mass-balance change. International Journal of Climatology 41 (S1), E1336-E1352.

Hanna, E., F. Pattyn, F. Navarro, V. Favier, H. Goelzer, M.R. van den Broeke, M. Vizcaino, P.L. Whitehouse, C. Ritz, K. Bulthuis, B. Smith (2020) Mass balance of the ice sheets and glaciers – progress since AR5 and challenges. Earth Science Reviews 201, 102976.

Myers, S., S. Hemstock, E. Hanna (2020) Science, Faith and the Climate Crisis. Emerald.

Pattyn, F, C. Ritz, E. Hanna, X. Asay-Davis, R. DeConto, G. Durand, L. Favier, X. Fettweis, H. Goelzer, N.R. Golledge, P.K. Munneke, J.T.M. Lenaerts, S. Nowicki, A.J. Payne, A. Robinson, H. Seroussi, L.D. Trusel, M. van den Broeke (2018) The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets under 1.5◦C global warming. Nature Climate Change 8, 1053-1061.


Dr Kristen Beck 

Beck, Kristen, Fletcher, Michael-Shawn, Gadd, Patricia, Heijnis, Henk, Saunders, Krystyna and ZawadzkiAtun (2019) The long-term impacts of climate and fire on catchment processes and aquatic ecosystem response in Tasmania, Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 221 . p. 105892. ISSN 0277-3791 

Fletcher, M.-S., Bowman, D.M.J.S., Whitlock, C., Mariani, M., Beck, K.K., Stahle, L., Hopf, F., Benson, A., Hall, T., Heijnis, H., & Zawadki, A. (2021) The influence of climatic change, fire and species invasion on a southern temperate rainforest system over the past 18,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 106824 


Dr Matthew Hannaford

Hannaford, M.J., 2018. Long-term drivers of vulnerability and resilience to drought in the Zambezi-Save area of southern Africa, 1505–1830. Global and planetary change, 166, pp.94-106.

Adamson, G.C., Hannaford, M.J. and Rohland, E.J., 2018. Re-thinking the present: The role of a historical focus in climate change adaptation research. Global Environmental Change, 48, pp.195-205.

Van Bavel, B.J., Curtis, D.R., Hannaford, M.J., Moatsos, M., Roosen, J. and Soens, T., 2019. Climate and society in long‐term perspective: Opportunities and pitfalls in the use of historical datasets. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10(6), p.e611.


Dr Andrew Kythreotis:

Kythreotis, AP., Howarth, C., Mercer, T. G., Awcock, H., & Jonas, A. E. G. (2021). Re-evaluating the changing geographies of climate activism and the state in the post-climate emergency era in the build-up to COP26. Journal of the British Academy25, 69–93.

Kythreotis, AP, Mercer, TG, Jonas, AEG & Marsden, TK (2020) Rethinking urban adaptation as a scalar geopolitics of climate governance: climate policy in the devolved territories of the United Kingdom. Territory, Politics and Governance.

Howarth, C, Morse-Jones, S, Kythreotis, AP, Brooks, K & Lane, M (2020) Informing UK governance and resilience to climate risks: improving the local evidence base. Climatic Change.

Kythreotis, AP, Jonas, AEG & Howarth, C (2020) Locating climate adaptation in urban and regional studies. Regional Studies, 54(4): 576-588.

Kythreotis, AP, Mantyka-Pringle, CS, Mercer, TG, Whitmarsh, L, Paavola, J, Corner, A, Chambers, CD, Miller, BA & Castree, N (2019) Citizen Social Science for more integrative and effective climate action: a science-policy perspective. Frontiers in Environmental Science,


Prof Mark Macklin:

Benito, G., Macklin, M.G., Panin, A., Rossato, S., Fontana, A., Jones, A.F., Machado, M.J., Matlakhova, E., Mozzi, P. and Zielhofer, C. (2015) Recurring flood distribution patterns related to short-term Holocene climatic variability. Scientific Reports5(1), pp.1-8.

Macklin, M.G. and Lewin, J. (2015) The rivers of civilization. Quaternary Science Reviews114, pp.228-244.

Naylor, L.A., Spencer, T., Lane, S.N., Darby, S.E., Magilligan, F.J., Macklin, M.G. and Möller, I., 2017. Stormy geomorphology: geomorphic contributions in an age of climate extremes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(1), pp.166-190. 

Fuller, I.C., Macklin, M.G., Toonen, W.H. and Holt, K.A., 2018. Storm-generated Holocene and historical floods in the Manawatu River, New Zealand. Geomorphology, 310, pp.102-124. 

Panyushkina, I.P., Meko, D.M., Macklin, M.G., Toonen, W.H.J., Mukhamаdiev, N.S., Konovalov, V.G., Ashikbaev, N.Z. and Sagitov, A.O., 2018. Runoff variations in Lake Balkhash Basin, Central Asia, 1779–2015, inferred from tree rings. Climate Dynamics, 51(7-8), pp.3161-3177. 

Longfield, S.A., Faulkner, D., Kjeldsen, T.R., Macklin, M.G., Jones, A.F., Foulds, S.A., Brewer, P.A. and Griffiths, H.M. (2019) Incorporating sedimentological data in UK flood frequency estimation. Journal of Flood Risk Management12(1), p.e12449.

Fuller, I.C., Macklin, M.G., Toonen, W.H., Turner, J. and Norton, K., 2019. A 2000 year record of palaeofloods in a volcanically-reset catchment: Whanganui River, New Zealand. Global and Planetary Change, 181, p.102981. 

Harrison, S., Mighall, T., Stainforth, D.A., Allen, P., Macklin, M., Anderson, E., Knight, J., Mauquoy, D., Passmore, D., Rea, B. and Spagnolo, M., 2019. Uncertainty in geomorphological responses to climate change. Climatic Change, 156(1-2), pp.69-86. 

Toonen, W.H., Macklin, M.G., Dawkes, G., Durcan, J.A., Leman, M., Nikolayev, Y. and Yegorov, A. (2020) A hydromorphic reevaluation of the forgotten river civilizations of Central Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences117(52), pp.32982-32988.

Smith, M.W., Willis, T., Alfieri, L., James, W.H.M., Trigg, M.A., Yamazaki, D., Hardy, A.J., Bisselink, B., De Roo, A., Macklin, M.G. and Thomas, C.J., 2020. Incorporating hydrology into climate suitability models changes projections of malaria transmission in Africa. Nature communications, 11(1), pp.1-9. 


Dr Theresa Mercer:

Kythreotis A.P. & T.G. Mercer (2020) Collaborative Education as a ‘New (Urban) Civil Politics of Climate Change’. In: Castán Broto V., Robin E., While A. (eds) Climate Urbanism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Mercer, T.G. Kythreotis, A.P. (2020) Towards Citizen Governance for Climate Change Education and Justice: A Science–Policy Perspective. In: Myers, S.Hemstock,S. and Hanna, E. (Eds.) Science, Faith and the Climate Crisis, Emerald Publishing Limited, 79-92.  

Mercer, T.G., Kythreotis, A.P., Stolte, T., Robinson, Z., George, S.M., Haywood, S.K. (2017) The Use of Educational Game Design and Play in Higher Education to Influence Sustainable Behaviour. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18 (3), 359-384.


Dr Mark Schuerch:

Kiesel, Joshua, M. Schuerch, E.K. Christie, I. Möller, T. Spencer, A.T. Vafeidis (2020) Effective design of managed realignment schemes can reduce coastal flood risks. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 242, 106844.

Vafeidis, A.T., M. Schuerch, C. Wolff, T. Spencer, J.L. Merkens, J. Hinkel, D. Lincke, S. Brown, R.J. Nicholls (2019) Water-level attenuation in global-scale assessments of exposure to coastal flooding: a sensitivity analysis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 973-984.

Schuerch, M., T. Spencer, S. Temmerman, M.L. Kirwan, C. Wolff, D. Lincke, C.J. McOwen, M.D. Pickering, R. Reef, A.T. Vafeidis, J. Hinkel, R.J. Nicholls, S. Brown (2018) Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea level rise. Nature 561, 231-234.

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