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Recent Publications

Tarrant, A., Way, L. and Ladlow, L. (2024) Increasing father engagement among minoritised fathers through proactive service support and outreach: insights from a participatory pilot study, Community, Work and Family, DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2023.2299248

Gaunt, R., and Deutsch, F.M. (2024) Mother’s Instinct? Biological Essentialism and Parents’ Involvement in Work and Childcare. Sex Roles,

Neale, B. and Tarrant, A. (2024) The Dynamics of Young Fatherhood: Exploring the Parenting Journeys and Support Need of Young Fathers, Bristol: Policy Press.

Ladlow, L. (2024) ‘I don’t feel like a young dad. I feel like an unprepared dad’: young parenthood, welfare support and accelerated transitions to adulthood in the UK and Sweden, Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2024.2305915

Pinho, M. and Gaunt, R. (2023) Parental and work-related identities among primary caregiving and primary breadwinning mothers and fathers, Families, Relationships and Societies, 1-19.

Tarrant, A. (2023) Instigating father-inclusive practice interventions with young fathers and multi-agency professionals: the transformative potential of qualitative longitudinal and co-creative methodologiesFamilies, Relationships and Societies, 1-19.

Hughes, K. and Tarrant, A. (2023) Men, Families and Poverty: Tracing the Intergenerational Trajectories of Placed-Based Hardship, Palgrave Macmillan.

Andreasson, J., Tarrant, A., Ladlow, L., Johansson, T., and Way, L. (2022) Perceptions of gender equality and engaged fatherhood among young fathers: parenthood and the welfare state in Sweden and the UKFamilies, Relationships and Societies, 12 (3): 323-340.

Way, L., Tarrant, A., Ladlow, L., York, J., Gorzelanczyk, A., Brown, D., & Patterson, W. (2022) Co-creating with Young Fathers: Producing Community-Informed Training Videos to Foster more Inclusive Support Environments. Sociological Research Online, 27(3), 675-683.

Tarrant, A. (2021) Fathering and Poverty: Uncovering Men’s Participation in Low-Income Family Life, Bristol: Policy Press. 

Gaunt, R., Jordan, A., Tarrant, A., Chanamuto, N., Pinho, M., Wezyk, A. (2022).  Caregiving dads, breadwinning mums: Transforming gender in work and childcare?

Jordan, A. (2020) Masculinizing Care? Gender, Ethics of Care, and Fathers’ Rights Groups. Men and Masculinities, 23(1), 20-41.

Jordan, A. (2019) The New Politics of Fatherhood: Men's Movements and Masculinities, Springer Link.