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Representative Recent Publications
Bennister, Mark (2022) The Contemporary UK Prime Minister. When the Personal Becomes Political: Agency, Character, Personality and Celebrity. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. ISSN 2057-8911
Bennister, Mark (2021) Navigating three faces of decentred leadership in the UK Parliament. International Journal of Public Leadership. ISSN 2056-4929.
Bennister, Mark and Worthy, Ben (2021) Jeremy Corbyn and the dilemmas of leadership. In: Corbynism in Perspective: The Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn. Building Progressive Alternatives. Agenda Publishing. ISBN 9781788212915.
Bochel, Catherine (2021) Procedural Justice: New Approaches to Parliament's Engagement with the Public? Parliamentary Affairs. ISSN 0031-2290.
Bochel, Hugh and Berthier, Anouk (2021) Committees and witnesses in the Scottish Parliament: Beyond the ‘usual suspects’? Scottish Affairs, 30 (3). pp. 337-354. ISSN 0966-0356.
Bochel, Hugh and Berthier, Anouk (2021) Parliamentary Committee Witnesses: Representation and Diversity. The Journal of Legislative Studies . ISSN 1357-2334.
Defty, Andrew (2021) ‘Familiar but not intimate’: Executive oversight of the UK intelligence and security agencies. Intelligence and National Security . pp. 1-16. ISSN 0268-4527.
Sloam, James, Kisby, Ben, Henn, Matt et al (2021) Voice, Equality and Education: The Role of Higher Education in Defining the Political Participation of Young Europeans. Comparative European Politics, 19 (3). pp. 296-322. ISSN 1472-4790.
Bochel, Hugh and Berthier, Anouk (2020) A Place at the Table? Parliamentary Committees, Witnesses and the Scrutiny of Government Actions and Legislation. Social Policy and Society, 19 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1474-7464.
Defty, Andrew (2020) From committees of parliamentarians to parliamentary committees: comparing intelligence oversight reform in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. Intelligence and National Security, 35 (3). pp. 367-384. ISSN 0268-4527.
Goodwin, Mark, Holden Bates, Stephen and McKay, Stephen (2020) Electing to Do Women’s Work? Gendered Divisions of Labour in UK Select Committees, 1979-2016. Politics & Gender. pp. 1-33. ISSN 1743-923X.
Worthy, Benjamin and Bennister, Mark (2020) Dominance, defence and diminishing returns’? Theresa May’s Leadership Capital July 2016–July 2018. British Politics. ISSN 1746-918X.
Allsop, Bradley and Kisby, Ben (2019) The “Youthquake” in British Politics: Myth or Reality? Societies, 9 (4). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2075-4698.
Begley, Philip, Bochel, Catherine, Bochel, Hugh et al (2019) Assessing Policy Success and Failure: Targets, Aims and Processes. Policy Studies, 40 (2). pp. 188-204. ISSN 0144-2872.
Begley, Philip, Bochel, Catherine, Bochel, Hugh et al (2019) Evidence-informed or value-based? Exploring the scrutiny of legislation in the UK Parliament. The journal of legislative studies, 25 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1357-2334.
Bochel, Catherine (2019) Petitions Systems: Outcomes, 'Success' and 'Failure'. Parliamentary Affairs, 73 (2). pp. 233-252. ISSN 0031-2290.
McKay, Steve, Goodwin, Mark and Bates, Stephen Holden (2019) A Means to an End and an End in Itself: Select Committee Membership, Parliamentary Roles and Parliamentary Careers, 1979–Present. Parliamentary Affairs, 72 (4). pp. 799-820. ISSN 0031-2290.
Walker, Aileen, Jurczak, Naomi, Bochel, Catherine et al (2019) How Public Engagement Became a Core Part of the House of Commons Select Committees.https://repository.lincoln.ac.uk/articles/journal_contribution/24377773 Parliamentary Affairs. ISSN 0031-2290.
Bennister, Mark and Larkin, Philip (2018) Accountability in parliament. In: Exploring Parliament. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198788430.