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Politics of (Dis)order

Understanding Populism, Authoritarianism, and Nationalism in Politics

The Politics of (Dis)order (POD) research group is a dynamic, inter-disciplinary and School-wide intellectual community of academic staff and post-graduate students working on different aspects of populism, authoritarianism and nationalism. The group’s research focuses on the different ways in which we can understand political order and disorder in these fields. As a group we offer specific regional foci and internationally recognized expertise in Central Asia, the broader post-Soviet space, Central Europe, Asia and the United States.

The University of Lincoln has a strong-track record of internationally recognised research in populism, authoritarianism and nationalism and POD is the forum in which this research expertise is brought together.

Vico and Populism: the Return to a ‘Barbarism of Reflection’ (Rico Isaacs)

Neoliberal Social Justice (Nick Cowen)

Hayek versus Trump: The Radical Right’s Road to Serfdom (Aris Trantidis and Nick Cowen)

Film and Identity in Central Asia (Rico Isaacs)

Populism and Securitization: The Corrosion of Elite Security Authority in a US – Mexico Border State (Mike Slaven) Journal of Global Security Studies

Constructions and (attempted) deconstructions of ‘memory nationalism’: Central European lessons (Christian Karner)

The Competing Politics of Austrian Glocalization: Covid-19, Crime, and (Anti-)Racism (Christian Karner)

Nationalism Revisited: Austrian Social Closure from Romanticism to the Digital Age (Christian Karner)

The Role of Party Interest Articulation in the Personalist-Authoritarian Regimes of the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan

Ostrom, Floods and Mismatched Property Rights (Nick Cowen) International Journal of the Commons

Building an authoritarian regime: Strategies for autocratisation and resistance in Belarus and Slovakia (Aris Trantidis)

Academic Staff

Job Title 

Dr Rico Isaacs

Associate Professor in Politics

Dr Nick Cowen

Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Dr Andra Le Roux-Kemp

Associate Professor in Law

Dr Christian Karner

Professor of Sociology

Dr Aris Trantidis

Lecturer in International Relations and Politics

Dr Edwin Bacon

Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences

Dr Mike Slaven

Senior Lecturer in International Politics