Strategic Plan


Our Vision

To provide a class leading estate for all with core values of sustainability, innovation, and safety.

We underpin the purpose, mission and ambition set out in the University’s Strategic Plan 2022-27, embedding the University’s values in everything we do:

We Collaborate

We collaborate with staff, students, and stakeholders to deliver the University’s teaching, learning, research and civic ambitions.

We Challenge

We challenge each other to produce our best work and to ensure we do the right things in the right way.

We Transform

We transform the estate to provide an exceptional and memorable campus experience.

We will develop a vibrant, sustainable, and accessible campus which meets the needs of students, staff, and the wider community. Our objectives sit under four main headings, University Experience, Place, Net Zero and Financial Innovation.

University Experience

Play our part in delivering an exceptional, digitally enabled campus experience.

A visitor examines a campus map during an Open Day

We will:

Provide a class leading campus experience from the prospectus to Open Days to graduation and beyond.

A student working on a laptop in the library

We will:

Work collaboratively across the University to enable and support the Digital Campus.

A student studying in the library

We will:

Design and create spaces for students to study, learn, and relax without barriers.

Two students sat at a desk reading and working on a laptop

We will:

Design and deliver inclusively for all students and staff.

Female students working in an engineering laboratory

We will:

Design and create spaces to directly support the University’s research ambitions.

Aerial view of the University campus, with the Cathedral visible in the distance

We will:

Listen to the needs of our customers and work collaboratively with other key services to support the University’s objectives.


Maintain and build an estate for the future.

Students sitting in University accommodation.

We will:

Review our residential accommodation portfolio to better serve our student and staff community.

We will:

Develop new masterplans for Brayford and Riseholme campuses to identify opportunities for growth, consolidation, accessibility, repurposing, and reimagining buildings, facilities and spaces, with both entrance points and other linkages to the city improved to deliver an exceptional campus experience for the whole community within net zero target.

Exterior of the National Centre for Food Manufacture in Holbeach

We will:

Develop proposals to support University activity at Holbeach, including the transition of Holbeach activity on to the Holbeach Food Enterprise Zone.

Outside of the Minerva Building with planters in front of the building

We will:

Transform the quality, extent, and consistency of the hard and soft landscaping at the Brayford Pool Campus.

We will:

Develop the rural setting of the Riseholme Campus to incorporate high-quality, staff, student, and conference spaces with leading research into carbon sequestration, re-wilding, and public access.

Exterior of the University Sports Centre on s sunny day with clear blue sky

We will:

Collaborate with local partners to review and enhance our sports facilities, meeting the needs of future students and the local community.

Net Zero

Embed net zero principles in every aspect of the estate.

Exterior shot of the accommodation buildings on campus

We will:

Support the sustainability strategy of the University and prepare a deliverable plan for all activities supporting our net zero target.

We will:

Engage fully with students, staff, and stakeholders to drive our commitment to net zero.

Exterior shot of the Isaac Newton Building

We will:

Identify opportunities for new technology installations, heat decarbonisation, low carbon refurbishments, environmental control improvements, behavioural initiatives, reduction initiatives, and carbon offsetting.

The Lincoln Medical School building with ducks on the grass in the foreground

We will:

Create clear and achievable environmental and waste specifications for all new construction and refurbishment work.

Exterior shot of the University library

We will:

Embed net zero in every area of Estates’ activity and demonstrate through appropriate accreditation schemes.

Students chatting outside Towers

We will:

Work collaboratively across the University and provide leadership on the measurement, reporting, and reduction of indirect (Scope 3) carbon emissions.

Financial Innovation

Create opportunities for the estate to generate more income.

Students sitting in the Minerva Buidling catering area

We will:

Develop a model for high-quality and attractive catering and conference services that provide a positive financial contribution to the University and look for opportunities to right-size our estate to allow for development opportunities, allowing us to secure long-term income and reduce our cost base.

Distant view of Lincoln Cathedral from South Common, with trees and grass in the foreground

We will:

Develop partnership arrangements with our key stakeholders in the city and the county and find opportunities for income generation.

We will:

Deliver an Estates income strategy for reinvestment in the estate and manage the long-term maintenance deficit and work closely with Accommodation Services to maximise opportunities for combined service offerings and income generation.

Discover More

You can download a PDF version of our Estates plan.

Estates (PDF)