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Graduation Terms and Conditions
University of Lincoln Graduation Terms and Conditions
It is the responsibility of graduands to read and understand these Graduation Terms and Conditions. Graduands must also advise any guests to familiarise themselves with these Terms and Conditions.
1. Definitions
1.1 The following definitions will be used in this document:
Graduand/Student/You: The graduating student
University/We/Us: The University of Lincoln
Graduation: This refers to the ceremony and the reception
Ceremony: This refers to just the ceremony and not the reception
Venue: Lincoln Cathedral and Lincoln Castle
2. Registration
2.1 Registration
Registration to attend Graduation will open week commencing Monday 27 January and closes at midnight on Wednesday 12 March. Registration is for the ceremonies taking place from Tuesday 29 April 2025 to Thursday 1 May 2025 inclusively.
Graduands who register before the deadline of Wednesday 12 March 2025 will be entitled to initially purchase two guest tickets and, subject to availability, there will be further opportunities to purchase additional guest tickets after initial registration has closed. The University will notify all registered students via their registered email regarding the availability of tickets.
When booking your place to attend graduation, it is your responsibility to check that all details relating to yourself, or your award are correct throughout the booking process. If the incorrect award is stated this will be reflected in the ceremony brochure and the award read out within the ceremony. It could also affect the robe you have booked for your ceremony. Please contact the Graduation team as soon as possible if anything is incorrect. After the booking deadline it may not be possible for any amends to be reflected in the ceremony programme.
Graduands are invited to register for Graduation directly via their student email address and will only be invited to the ceremony in which their department and course is scheduled.
2.2 Late Registration
Registration after the closing date will be considered at the discretion of the University.
Allocation of guest tickets to purchase, including extra guest tickets, for graduands who register after the deadline stated in 2.1 cannot be guaranteed and will be allocated at the discretion of the University based on availability.
In the event that graduands miss the registration deadline, please contact the Graduation team at graduation@lincoln.ac.uk.
3. Eligibility
3.1 To be eligible to attend a graduation ceremony graduands must have:
• Had their award conferred by a University Board of Examiners or End Point Assessor on or before 3 March 2025.
• Paid all outstanding academic tuition fees before 26th March 2025.
• Not already attended a University of Lincoln graduation ceremony for the same award.
3.2 Resits
Graduands with resits will not be eligible to attend the graduation ceremonies taking place in April/May as final results will not have been conferred by a Board of Examiners or End Point Assessor and released in time to attend. Graduands will be invited to attend the next available ceremony series taking place in 2025, subject to an award being conferred by a Board of Examiners or End Point Assessor.
3.3 Extensions
Graduands with extensions and where an award has not been conferred by a University of Lincoln Board of Examiners or End Point Assessor by 3 March 2025 will not be eligible to attend the April/May 2025 graduation ceremonies. Graduands will be invited to attend the next ceremonies taking place in 2025, subject to an award being conferred by a Board of Examiners or End Point Assessor.
3.4 Extenuating Circumstances
Graduands with approved extenuating circumstances and where an award has not been conferred by a University of Lincoln Board of Examiners or End Point Assessor by 3 March 2025, will not be eligible to attend the April/May graduation ceremonies and will be re-invited to the next available ceremony that they are eligible for.
Please note; where extenuating circumstances, resits or extensions are approved, the University will assume you wish to resubmit. In this instance, if you do not wish to resubmit and instead wish to attend the April/May ceremonies, you must notify the University in writing no later than 3 March 2025 by emailing assessments@lincoln.ac.uk confirming your intention not to resubmit and instead accept any final award to which you are eligible.
Where notification is not received by 3 March 2025 the University will assume you intend to make a re-submission, your eligibility to attend the University’s upcoming graduation ceremony will be rescinded and you will instead be invited to attend the University’s next graduation ceremony that you are eligible for.
3.5 Debtors
Students with debts to the University will not be eligible to graduate, please arrange to pay all outstanding debts to the University before the end of your studies to ensure you are eligible to attend.
4. Ticketing
The University of Lincoln graduation ceremonies are ticketed events. Graduand and guest admittance to the ceremony and celebration reception is subject to graduands and guests producing a relevant ticket for the event upon entry. The University reserves the right to refuse entry without a ticket.
All tickets must be collected by the graduand on the day of the ceremony that they are registered to attend from the location stated by the University of Lincoln.
4.1 Graduand Tickets
Graduand tickets are available on a first come, first served basis and could sell out before the booking deadline of 12 March 2025 at midnight. If there are no places left you will be invited to the next available ceremony series in 2025, as long as you contact the Graduation team in advanced to ask to be deferred.
4.2 Guest Tickets
All graduands who register before the deadline of 12 March 2025 are entitled to purchase two guest tickets at the time of booking. Ticket prices are as follows:
• £25 per ticket for 12+
• £12.50 per ticket (4-12)
Children aged three or under can attend the ceremony free of charge, providing that they sit on a guest's lap or in a pushchair. In order to monitor capacity, graduands will be asked to indicate when booking if they will be bringing any children aged three or under with them. They will then be issued a special ticket on the day.
4.3 Extra Guest Tickets
Extra guest tickets over and above the guest ticket allocation stated in 4.2 will be subject to availability. The number of extra tickets available for each registered graduand to purchase will be calculated for each ceremony after the initial registration has closed on 12 March 2025.
If extra tickets are available, these will be limited in number and sold on a first come, first serve basis. All graduands who have registered to attend a ceremony will be notified by email of any details regarding extra tickets. Extra ticket prices are as follows:
• £25 per ticket for 12+
• £12.50 per ticket (4-12)
4.4 Ticketing and late registration
Allocation of tickets, including graduand, guest and extra tickets, to graduands who register after the deadline of the 12th March 2025 will be at the discretion of the University and will be subject to availability.
4.5 Registered carers
Graduands may request a complimentary ticket for a registered carer at the discretion of the University. Proof of carer status will be required before. Please contact graduation@lincoln.ac.uk with confirmation of the registered carer name and registration number/confirmation letter.
4.6 Special requirements including accessibility
If any graduand or guest has a specific health requirement regarding seating arrangements in the Cathedral, please provide details through the William Northam booking system. The Graduation team will accommodate where possible and confirm arrangements by email a week before the ceremony.
Any information provided, is held securely and only shared with those involved in the running of the ceremony, such as the graduation ushers. Any information regarding a student or their guests’ additional requirements will be deleted immediately after the ceremonies have taken place.
Please note, animals are not permitted with the exception of service dogs.
It is the responsibility of students to inform the Graduation team of any accessibility requirements for both themselves, and their guests. If a student fails to register accessibility requirements for themselves or guests in advance of their ceremony the University cannot guarantee they can be met.
Students should contact the Graduation team as soon as possible if they have not indicated special requirements on the online registration form.
5. Attendance
5.1 Arrival times
All graduands and their guests must be seated in the Cathedral at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.
5.2 Late Graduands
Graduands who arrive late must report immediately to the Registration Marquee in the Lincoln Castle Grounds. Every effort will be made to allow you to graduate but this may not be with your cohort if they have already been called up to graduate. If the presentation of awards has been completed by the time you arrive, it will not be possible for you to receive your award on stage.
5.3 Late guests
Late arriving guests may not be permitted entry once the ceremony has commenced.
5.4 Children
Children are welcome at Graduation ceremonies; however, the University of Lincoln advises that the Graduation Ceremonies are not wholly suitable for babies or young children as they are long, formal occasions.
Any children in attendance must have a ticket and any under the age of 16 must be always accompanied by an adult over the age of 18. This means that any accompanying adults will need to have guest tickets. It is the responsibility of the graduand to ensure any children under the age of 16 are always accompanied by a suitable adult.
Guest tickets will be required for any child aged four and above. Children aged three or under can attend the ceremony free of charge, providing that they sit on a guest's lap or in a pushchair. A ticket is still required, although free, to ensure seating numbers are kept within capacities. If the child will be coming in a pram or pushchair, please contact the Graduation team to let us know.
We reserve the right to ask any adult to take their child out of the Cathedral if the child becomes distressed or behaves in a way which is disruptive to the proceedings or to other guests. The ceremony will be live streamed on our website so you will still be able to watch the ceremony.
5.5 Behaviour
Graduation is a shared, happy occasion and we expect all students and guests to conduct themselves appropriately. Abusive, disruptive and threatening behaviour towards graduands, guests, staff from the University, the venue, or our suppliers prior to or on the day of Graduation will not be tolerated.
The University of Lincoln reserve the right to refuse entry to Graduation or to ask anyone to leave Graduation if they act in a manner which we deem to be offensive or disruptive to proceedings or to other attendees. No guest ticket refunds will be available in such circumstances.
Instructions from staff both verbally and on screens about behaviour should be adhered to at all times. Failure to do so risks removal from the ceremony.
5.6 Ceremony Length
All graduands and their guests should remain until the ceremony ends to minimise disruption and to ensure that each graduand’s achievements are honoured in the same way.
The University aims to keep ceremonies arounds 1.5 hours long to ensure comfort and success of the ceremonies.
The start and the end of the ceremony is announced by the academic procession. On completion of the ceremony, our new graduates are invited to join the academic procession and we ask that guests join the procession behind our graduates as it is led out of the Cathedral.
5.7 Mobile Phones
Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be turned off or put on silent mode. You must refrain from making or taking phone calls during the graduation ceremony.
6. Non-Attendance
6.1 Defer
Graduands unable to attend the graduation ceremony they have been invited to may defer their attendance to a future ceremony. Graduands will need to email the Graduation team at graduation@lincoln.ac.uk.
Graduands who wish to defer their attendance and inform the Graduation team of their intention to attend a future ceremony, will be added to the invitation list for the following ceremony period.
6.2 Do not wish to attend a ceremony.
Graduands who do not wish to attend a graduation ceremony may notify the Graduation team of their intention not to attend by emailing the Graduation team at graduation@lincoln.ac.uk.
The Graduation team will assume that graduands who do not complete the online registration process or contact the Graduation team regarding their attendance or future attendance, do not wish to attend a ceremony, nor one in the future.
Graduands with resits, extensions, or approved extenuating circumstances will be automatically invited to attend a future ceremony once their award has been conferred by a Board of Examiners.
6.3 Certificates and Transcripts
Certificates and transcript will be posted to the permanent home address that we hold for you on our records. Graduands are responsible for ensuring the University holds the most up to date contact details against their records.
To update your contact details please email studentrecords@lincoln.ac.uk.
7. Refunds
7.1 Guest Tickets
We encourage graduands to only buy the number of tickets that they require for Graduation as tickets are non-refundable. If guests cannot attend following purchase and it is felt that extenuating circumstances apply, please contact the Graduation team who will review on a case-by-case basis. If successful, the University will contact William Northam and ask them to refund you.
The refund deadline for April/May 2025 ceremonies is Friday 18 April 2025. Refunds for extra tickets will not be given after this deadline.
Guest tickets are non-transferable to any other ceremony or to another student. The University will not accept any tickets that have been transferred between students at Graduation.
7.2 Gown Hire
If students are unable to attend and require a refund for gown hire, they must contact the gowning company, William Northam by emailing student@williamnortham.com. Refunds for gown hire which are requested less than seven days before the ceremony series starts are subject to review and are offered at William Northam’s discretion.
7.3 Travel and Accommodation
We recommend not booking travel or accommodation until you know you have completed your award. We recognise that this is not always possible in the case of international travel, but the University does not accept liability for any costs or expenses incurred by those due to attend the ceremony.
8. Gown Hire and Dress
8.1 Requirements
It is a requirement that all graduands attending their graduation ceremony wear the appropriate University of Lincoln academic dress. This can be hired or bought from William Northam, the University academic gown hire company via - William Northam's website.
Graduands with concerns regarding this requirement, should contact graduation@lincoln.ac.uk for further guidance.
8.2 Recommended attire for students
Graduation is a formal occasion and, as your clothes can be seen under your gown, we recommend that you wear smart, formal dress. Graduands are very welcome to wear national dress.
8.3 Recommended Attire for Guests
There is no dress code for guests but as the ceremony is a formal occasion, we recommend that all guests wear smart dress.
9. Graduation ceremonies as a Public Event
9.1 Publications
The University of Lincoln’s bi-annual graduation ceremonies held in April/May and September are public events. This means that the names and award titles, but no classifications, of all graduands (including those graduating in absentia) are published in the graduation brochure.
9.2 Filming and Photography
The University of Lincoln film and photograph the graduation ceremonies. These images are to be used by the University for use within marketing materials and on the University website (including social media). By attending graduation, graduands, and guests give their consent to the recording and transmission of their images.
A professional film recording is taken of all graduation ceremonies. These are streamed onto the University of Lincoln website and on selected screens on campus as a live broadcast. By registering to take part in the graduation ceremony, graduands are confirming that they and their guests have given permission for their image to be recorded. Other professional photography and videography takes place within our Graduation venues and on campus on behalf of the University during graduation which may be used for University of Lincoln marketing purposes. If graduands or their guests do not wish to be featured, they should let the photographers/videographers know on the day. Graduands and their guests may also take photographs and film at Graduation. You must not use flash photography or obstruct the view within the Cathedral which may impact professional filming or the experience of other guests. If you are asked to move for this reason, failure to comply may result in removal from the ceremony. The use of phones or cameras on stage is not permitted.
9.3 The Press
The local press may attend the graduation ceremonies and to take photographs and video footage to publish.
10. Health and Safety
In the event of an emergency, please follow all instructions provided on the day by venue and University staff.
If you see anything suspicious or concerning, please inform a member of the venue or University staff.
11. Security and Restricted Items
Random bag searches may take place for security reasons at all venues used during Graduation.
There is no cloakroom or storage facility at the venues, and large bags and suitcases are not permitted in the graduation ceremony venue.
12. Data protection and your personal information
12.1 Student Data Privacy Notice
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, we can only discuss a Student’s Graduation attendance with the student and no one else, unless the student gives us written permission to do so.
12.2 Use of Personal Data and Third parties
Your contact details for graduation will be taken from our Student Records System. We may need to share some of that data with our partners who help us to deliver graduation and the University’s Alumni team. In addition, the names of graduands will be provided to our external supplier for use on graduation products such as graduation t-shirts and hoodies. This does not include award titles or any other information.
In line with the Data Protection Act 2018, we only share the details needed to complete the necessary work and your details will not be passed on to any other third parties.
13. Disclaimer
13.1 Cancellation/Force Majeure
The University of Lincoln aims to provide the graduation ceremonies as advertised but reserves the right to make alterations to or cancel any event. If a graduation ceremony cannot take place, is delayed or the ceremony time needs to change due to circumstances beyond the control of the University of Lincoln, including (without limitation) fire, explosion, terrorist act (or threat of terrorist act), act of God, pandemic, national mourning (any member of the royal family), student bookings do not meet or exceed our minimum/maximum capacity, as a result of any industrial action or dispute involving the University of Lincoln, or the venue at which the ceremony is due to be held, the University of Lincoln will not be liable for any losses direct or otherwise incurred by the graduates or their guests.
13.2 Ticket Refund
Should circumstances arise that result in the postponement of graduation, please note that graduate bookings and guest tickets are non-transferable. You will need to re-book and purchase new guest tickets for your new ceremony by the appropriate deadlines.
13.3 Communication
In the event of a cancellation, change of venue or date, the University will endeavour to notify attendees wherever possible through the contact details given at the time of booking and in addition will announce information on the University website. Cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances may occur at any time. Attendees are responsible for checking the University website for the most up-to-date information about an event.