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Higher Doctorate

DSc Social Sciences

This Higher Doctorate degree may be conferred upon those judged by Academic Board to have distinguished themselves by their substantial and original contributions to the advancement of learning. The published work submitted for a Higher Doctorate must demonstrate that the candidate is a leading authority in their field, and has been involved in major innovations and new developments in that field.

How You Study

The Higher Doctorate is not a taught programme of study. Instead, a portfolio of published works with appropriate commentary and evidence of esteem and experience is submitted for review.

This award is only open to individuals who graduated from the University of Lincoln a minimum of 10 years ago or full-time members of University of Lincoln staff who have a minimum of 10 years standing and have been employed at the institution for at least four years.

How to Apply

All applications require the support of the appropriate Head of College.

Applications should include the following:

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A list of published works that the candidate intends to submit
  • A submission title
  • A statement of approximately 1,000 words about the nature and extent of the candidate’s contribution to their field of study
  • A statement about individual contributions to joint authorship publications
  • A statement describing any previous submission of papers used for a degree by publication of the University of Lincoln or any other university
  • The names of two referees who are not members of the University of Lincoln

Apply Online

Programme Fees

23/24 Entry and Guidance
2023/24 Entry Full-time




Full-time and part-time postgraduate research students will be invoiced the published set fee each academic year enrolled, up to the point of thesis submission. Upon first enrolment, the full set fee is payable.