Blackburn Bursary

Level of Study


Fees Status


Mode of Study


Application Required


The Blackburn Bursary aims to provide extra support for students coming to the University who have previously received local authority care and are defined as ‘care leavers’, as determined in the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.

Bursary Amount

The Blackburn Bursary is a set amount of £1500 paid to eligible students in two instalments for each completed level of study.

The first instalment of £500 is paid upon approval of application following enrolment. The 2nd instalment of £1000 is paid upon successful completion of the level of the programme enrolled.


- Students must be enrolled on the Student Information System on a full-time or part-time University of Lincoln undergraduate programme for the current academic year.

- Students must have a student status of Home on the Student Information System.

- Students must have received Local Authority care and be a Care Leaver as defined by the Children Leaving Care Act 2000 within the five years prior to the start of the course.

- Students must not have previously received the Blackburn Bursary for the same level of study.

How to Apply

Applications for a Blackburn Bursary must be made through the Student Funding Team in the Student Support Centre, who can be contacted by emailing

Please note that you cannot be awarded both the Blackburn Bursary and Foyer/Supported Housing Bursary.

Further information about Support for Care Leavers

Members of our Student Funding Team can offer advice about maximising all income available to you, assistance with funding applications and help in liaising with your Local Authority if needed. If you would like to find out more about the financial help available to you, please contact the Student Funding Team.

Tel: +44 (0)1522 837495

You can also find out more about how we support students from underrepresented backgrounds on our Equality of Opportunity webpage.

Additional Information

Further information regarding this scholarship can be found within the Terms and Conditions for the University's Bursaries and Scholarships (PDF).