Level of Study
Postgraduate (Taught)
Fees Status
Mode of Study
Application Required
£1000 will be paid directly to the student for each year of study for each completed academic year of study, with part-time students eligible for a pro-rata payment.
You will have previously completed an undergraduate degree (or equivalent qualification that leads to postgraduate study), Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma at the University of Lincoln, confirmed by a University of Lincoln Board of Examiners.
You are subject to tuition fees of £9,535 per year for Home or £18,400 for International (pro-rata for part-time studies)
You will be enrolled on the University’s Student Management System on either the MSc Nursing with Registered Nurse (Adult/Child/Mental Health), MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-registration), MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-registration), or MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-registration).
All tuition fees and payments due to the University in relation to any previous study have been paid in full.
Please contact admissions@lincoln.ac.uk for further details.