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The Accolades content type provides the user with the ability to list three or four accolades to promote key University of Lincoln credentials.  

  • User selectable Font Awesome 6 icons (there are currently 41 selectable icon options)
  • Users can choose from three primary colour options, Uni Blue, Uni Teal and Uni Magenta for all buttons, icons and titles
  • The main accolade heading can be hidden if required
  • The Accolade titles/headings are optional and can be hyperlinked or left as plain text. 
  • The accolade paragraph text can be hidden 
  • The CTA button can be hidden
  • The CTA button link / text can be updated
  • The Accolades content type is responsive and will scale for smaller viewports.  

Note: This is intended to be used ideally only once in a page. 


An award winning University like no other


Adding Content Types
  1. After you have chosen a website section to update make sure you are viewing the Content tab
  2. Under Content in this section select the green Add content button
  3. Select the content type you wish to use from the list or alternatively you can type the name of the content type into the Filter search box
  4. Click on the name of the content type to add it into the section
  5. Enter a name for the content type. This will not be displayed on the published page. It will only be visible as a name for the content type within Terminal four CMS for your reference
  6. Proceed to fill in all of the fields in the content type. The * next to an element identifies that the element is required.
  7. Once you have completed all of the required fields click the Save changes button to save your content type as a draft
  8. When you are ready to publish your content types make sure you ‘save and approve’ any changes. You can also approve a content type using the blue Actions drop-down button and then clicking Approve.

If you are unable to see or add a specific content type it may need to be enabled in your branch / section. Please email for support. 

Content Type Elements
Name Description Max Size Required?
Accolades Main heading The main heading for the accolade content type. E.g. An award winning university like no other 200  
Hide Main Heading? You can select the box to display or hide the accolade main heading 100 Yes 
Hide Accolade Text? Hide or display the accolade paragraph text 100 Yes
Hide Main CTA Button? Hide or display the CTA button 100 Yes
CTA Button Colour? Choose a primary colour for the Call to Action Button from Navy, Magenta or Teal 200 Yes
CTA Link Enter a link for the call to action button  E.g.  For internal links you can use /link E.g. /studentlife/ 300  
CTA Text Enter the paragraph text for the CTA Button E.g. About the University of Lincoln 200  
Hide the Fourth Accolade? Hide or display the fourth accolade column 100 Yes
Accolade Main Heading Colour Choose a primary colour for the heading from Navy, Magenta, Teal or standard. 100 Yes 
FA Icon Colour Choose a primary colour for the Fa icons from Navy, Magenta, Teal or standard. 200 Yes 
Title Colour Choose a primary colour for the accolade titles from Navy, Magenta, Teal or standard. 100 Yes 
Disable Heading Links? Ticking this will set the accolade H4 headings to NOT be hyperlinks 80  
Accolade 1 Select FA Icon Select an FA icon from the list of suggested icons. Upon request we can add more icons to the list. 200 Yes 
Accolade 1 Title The title of your first accolade E.g. Times University of the Year 200 Yes
Accolade 1 Text The text for your first accolade. Be mindful to keep your text on the same number of lines to an adjacent accolade to maintain symmetry 200  
Accolade 1 Link Enter the link for your first accolade. E.g.  For internal links you can use '/linkname' E.g. /studentlife/ 300  
Accolade 2 Select FA Icon Select an FA icon from the list of suggested icons. Upon request we can add more icons to the list. 200 Yes 
Accolade 2 Title The title of your second accolade E.g. Times University of the Year 200 Yes 
Accolade 2 Text The text for your second accolade. Be mindful to keep your text on the same number of lines to an adjacent accolade to maintain symmetry. 200  
Accolade 2 Link Enter the link for your second accolade 300  
Accolade 3 Select FA Icon Select an FA icon from the list of suggested icons. Upon request we can add more icons to the list. 200 Yes 
Accolade 3 Title The title of your third accolade  200 Yes
Accolade 3 Text The text for your third accolade. Be mindful to keep your text on the same number of lines to an adjacent accolade to maintain symmetry. 200  
Accolade 3 Link Enter the link for your third accolade 300  
Accolade 4 Select FA Icon Select an FA icon from the list of suggested icons. Upon request we can add more icons to the list. 200 Yes 
Accolade 4 Title Select an FA icon from the list of suggested icons. Upon request we can add more icons to the list. 200  
Accolade 4 Text The text for your fourth accolade. Be mindful to keep your text on the same number of lines to an adjacent accolade to maintain symmetry. 200  
Accolade 4 Link Enter the link for your fourth accolade 300  

Fontawesome Icons

Font Awesome 6 Icon List

The Accolades and Row of Three Call to Action Button content types share the same Terminal four list of Font Awesome Icons.

A list of Currently available Font Awesome Icons are displayed in the table below:   

Award Simple
Badge Check
Book Copy
Book Mark
Book Open
Bull Horn
Calendar Check
Calendar Days
Crown User
Earth Europe
File Certificate
Globe stand
Graduation cap
Lab Beaker
Location dot
Masks theatre
Mortar Board
Person Chalkboard
Pound Sterling
Ranking Star
School Flag
Screen Users
Thought Bubble
Trophy Star
User Graduate
Users - People