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Contact Cards

The Contact  Card content types are designed to be used on pages that require a grouping of contacts (e.g. Senior Leadership Team). A Contact card consists of a Primary contact (e.g. Pro-Vice Chancellor) and an optional Secondary contact (e.g. Executive Assistant).

The contact types used for displaying content cards are:

  • ULCL - Contact Card - Wrapper
  • ULCL - Contact Card

A group of contact cards consists of a wrapper and an unlimited number of cards. The cards can be set to be display in ones, twos, or threes in larger viewports. In smaller viewports the card group is displayed vertically. 

Note: Adding too many contact cards to a contact card group will affect the user experience of the user, especially in a smaller viewport. Because of this it is recommended that the following maximum card numbers be used:

  • Groups of one - 1 card
  • Groups of two - 8 cards
  • Groups of three - 9 cards


The following example card groups reference the same three contact cards. Each card has an optional list of comma delimited keywords (in bold):

  • Example Card 1 - Card keywords are 'three,two' - Secondary contact is enabled
  • Example Card 2 - Card keywords are 'three,two' - Secondary contact is enabled
  • Example Card 3 - Card keywords are 'three,one' - Secondary contact is disabled

Blue Border - Groups of three

The card group wrapper is set to group by threes in large viewports. The wrapper keyword is 'three'. Cards that are displayed in this card group have the keyword 'three' included in their comma delimited keyword field.

Julian Free

Example Card 1

Deputy Vice Chancellor
(Regional Engagement & University Secretary)

01522 882000

Executive Assistant

Secondary Contact

Simon Parkes

Example Card 2

Chief Operating Officer
(Finance and Infrastructure)

01522 882000

Executive Assistant

Secondary Contact

Teal Border - Groups of two

The card group wrapper is set to group by twos in large viewports. The wrapper keyword is 'two'. Cards that are displayed in this card group have the keyword 'two' included in their comma delimited keyword field.

Julian Free

Example Card 1

Deputy Vice Chancellor
(Regional Engagement & University Secretary)

01522 882000

Executive Assistant

Secondary Contact

Simon Parkes

Example Card 2

Chief Operating Officer
(Finance and Infrastructure)

01522 882000

Executive Assistant

Secondary Contact

Magenta Border - Groups of one

The card group wrapper is set to group by ones in large viewports. The wrapper keyword is 'one'. Cards that are displayed in this card group have the keyword 'one' included in their comma delimited keyword field.


There are two main steps to creating a contact card group (wrapper+cards) - 1) Adding the contact cards 2) Adding the contact card wrapper to display the contact card group.

Adding Content Types
  1. After you have chosen a website section to update make sure you are viewing the Content tab
  2. Under Content in this section select the green Add content button
  3. Select the content type you wish to use from the list or alternatively you can type the name of the content type into the Filter search box
  4. Click on the name of the content type to add it into the section
  5. Enter a name for the content type. This will not be displayed on the published page. It will only be visible as a name for the content type within Terminal four CMS for your reference
  6. Proceed to fill in all of the fields in the content type. The * next to an element identifies that the element is required.
  7. Once you have completed all of the required fields click the Save changes button to save your content type as a draft
  8. When you are ready to publish your content types make sure you ‘save and approve’ any changes. You can also approve a content type using the blue Actions drop-down button and then clicking Approve.

If you are unable to see or add a specific content type it may need to be enabled in your branch / section. Please email for support. 

Step One: Adding the contact cards


Step Two: Adding the contact card wrapper


Contact Card - Elements
Element Name Description Max Size Required?
Name This is for reference in the CMS only. Website users will not see it. IMPORTANT: The cards in a card group are ordered by this field A-Z. Use letters or numbers (e.g. 0.1) to manage the order in the group   Yes
Primary Contact - Image This will be displayed in a circle at the top centre of the contact card   Yes
Primary Contact - Name The name of the Primary Contact  80 Yes
Primary Contact - Name Link This allows a link the name to areas such as a contact's main staff profile 80  
Primary Contact - Position e.g. Research Professor or Deputy Vice Chancellor 80 Yes
Primary Contact - Position - Description line An additional descriptor for the contact position e.g. for a position of Chief Operating Officer, the descriptor could be '(Finance and Infrastructure)'  90  
Primary Contact - Email e.g. 200  
Primary Contact - Tel No In UK format e.g. 01522 886104. For the href tag, this is transposed to +441522886104 80  
Display Secondary Contact? Ticking this will display the Secondary Contact e.g. an executive assistant. All Secondary contact fields need to be populated before it is displayed    
Secondary Contact - Name Needs to be populated in order for secondary contact to be displayed 80  
Secondary Contact - Email Needs to be populated in order for secondary contact to be displayed 80  
Secondary Contact - Position e.g. Executive assistant.  Needs to be populated in order for secondary contact to be displayed 80  
Contact Card Keyword If a contact card wrapper has a keyword that matches a keyword in this field then card is displayed. This field can be comma delimited so that it can hold multiple keywords e.g. one,two,three 100  
Retrieve Contact Card Keep this ticked!   Yes
Contact Card Wrapper - Elements
Element Name Description Max Size Required?
Name This is for reference in the CMS only. Website users will not see it.    Yes
Intro Content This is where you can add a heading/intro. This is a wysiwyg field. 2000  
Section Location of Contact Card items This is the section where the contact cards are in. If the cards are in the same section as this wrapper then select the current section. 80 Yes
Contact Card Border Color This allows a link the name to areas such as a contact's main staff profile    
Large Viewport - Group by e.g. Research Professor or Deputy Vice Chancellor   Yes
Hide Contact Images? Ticking this will hide the contact card images. Useful if not all contacts in the contact card group has a quality image.    
Contact Card Keyword Only use if multiple contact card groups are needed on a page. If needed then this field needs to match what is in the individual 'ULCL - Contact Card' Items 100  
Retrieve Contact Card IThis needs to be ticked!   Yes