Featured Item
The Featured Item content type provides the opportunity to highlight a particular piece of content e.g. an academic.
In larger viewports, the image can be set to either be on the left (default) or the right. In smaller vieports, the image will be above the copy, regardless of left/right orientation.
Note: This is intented to be used sparingly (ideally once in a page) as the heading styles are not the standard font (Verdana as opposed to Georgia).
Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Professor Daniel Mills
Professor Daniel Mills is an international authority on companion animal behaviour, cognition, and welfare. He was the UK's first specialist in vetinary behavioural medicine to be recognised by the Royal College of Vetinary Surgeons.
Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Professor Daniel Mills
Professor Daniel Mills is an international authority on companion animal behaviour, cognition, and welfare. He was the UK's first specialist in vetinary behavioural medicine to be recognised by the Royal College of Vetinary Surgeons.
Adding Content Types
- After you have chosen a website section to update make sure you are viewing the Content tab
- Under Content in this section select the green Add content button
- Select the content type you wish to use from the list or alternatively you can type the name of the content type into the Filter search box
- Click on the name of the content type to add it into the section
- Enter a name for the content type. This will not be displayed on the published page. It will only be visible as a name for the content type within Terminal four CMS for your reference
- Proceed to fill in all of the fields in the content type. The * next to an element identifies that the element is required.
- Once you have completed all of the required fields click the Save changes button to save your content type as a draft
- When you are ready to publish your content types make sure you ‘save and approve’ any changes. You can also approve a content type using the blue Actions drop-down button and then clicking Approve.
If you are unable to see or add a specific content type it may need to be enabled in your branch / section. Please email webteam@lincoln.ac.uk for support.
Content Type Elements
Element Name | Description | Max Size | Required? |
Name | This is for reference in the CMS only. Website users will not see it | Yes | |
Sub-Heading | The Sub-heading will be displayed above the main heading | Yes | |
Heading | This is the main Heading of the content item. It is an h2 | Yes | |
Text | The main text. If needed you can add html elements e.g. if you want to italicise something you can put in <em>something</em> | 500 | Yes |
Image | The standard banner dimensions work (1600x600; 2000x750) Just ensure that the main focus is in the centre of the image | Yes | |
Image on right hand side (in larger viewports)? | Ticking this will set the image to be displayed on the right of the content item in larger viewports | ||
Background Colour | This sets the main background colour of the content item | Yes | |
CTA Colour | This sets the colour of the CTA button | Yes | |
CTA Title | This will be the text that is displayed in the CTA button | 30 | Yes |
CTA Internal Section Link | This allows you to select a Terminal Four section as a link destination | ||
CTA - External URL Input Field | This is a plain text field that allows you to input an external URL | 300 | |
CTA Open in new tab? | Ticking this will set the link to open in a new tab. Only tick this if absolutley necessary as it's not best practice user experience-wise |